Kotlin Android Application Development using Jetpack Compose


  • Pre-requisite
  • Introduction to Jetpack Compose
  • Create Jetpack Compose Project
  • Introduction to Android Studio
  • Text
  • Create Composable Function
  • Composable Function with Parameter
  • Elements are in Stack
  • List and Loop inside Composable
  • Styling Text
  • Use Custom Font or Google Font
  • Align Text
  • Modifier
  • Repeat Text
  • Selectable Text
  • Disable Selection Text
  • Row
  • Center Row Elements
  • Scrollable Row
  • Column
  • Center Column Elements
  • Scrollable Column
  • Lazy Row
  • Center Lazy Row Items
  • Lazy Column
  • Center Lazy Column Items
  • Box
  • Using Material Design
  • Using Asset Images
  • Using Network Image
  • Using Icon
  • Card
  • Spacer
  • Find Properties
  • Stateful Composable
  • State Hoisting
  • Buttons
  • Text Field
  • Registration Form