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- nano syntax highlighting
- wp cli
- adminer installer - run from your app public directory
- srdb installer - run from your app public directory
- zImageOptimizer - Simple bash script for lossless image optimizing -
- rcdk - Runcloud shell api wrapper -
- jq - jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- yarn - yarn - fast, reliable, and secure dependency management
- gulp - gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow
- Create the new sever - link
- Copy the RunCloud script to your server console
- After runcloud installation run the custom script
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RunCloud-cdk/installation-script/master/script.sh -O- | sh
- RunCloud Shell API wrapper
- App creation shell installer
- Bedrock installation script
- Autoinstall rocket nginx