- Contributors: afragen
- Donate link: http://bit.ly/outlook-import-fix
- Tags: events, outlook, modern tribe, ical feed, icalendar
- Requires at least: 3.7
- Requires PHP: 5.3
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Fix import of calendar events from The Events Calendar to Outlook.
The Events Calendar allows for the import of calendar events via download of a generated iCalendar file. This generated file contains the X-WR-CALNAME
header, which is a valid header.
Unfortunately Outlook chokes and will create a new calendar when it sees this header instead of adding the event(s) to the default Outlook calendar. This plugin removes that header from the generated iCalendar file.
You would only need this plugin if you use The Events Calendar and your users only use Outlook for their calendar app. If your users don't use Outlook then using this plugin may have deleterious effects when importing events into Google Calendar or Apple's Calendar.
Please feel free to fork it and submit a pull request against the develop branch.