
Laravel 6, Vue 2.6, TW 1.1.4

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel + Vue + Tailwind


  • npm install
  • composer install
  • copy .env.example and create your .env file
  • update your APP_URL if not using artisan's dev server
  • set an APP_KEY with php artisan key:generate


This is a Laravel setup straight from the Laravel CLI, laravel new. You can run php artisan -V to check version. Artisan can handle local dev or you can load spin up your own dev server with something like Valet. Some good Laravel links:


Vue comes packaged in with Laravel 6.x. Components are globally registered when a .vue file is saved to /resources/js/components. This is currently an SPA mockup, so I'm importing vue-router.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind is awesome, so use it. Laravel Mix is wrapping webpack and doing all kinds of magic with your resources files. If you need to edit what Mix is doing that's here: ./webpack.mix.js. Mix Docs.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.