
A simple semantic release CLI tool 📦

Primary LanguageJavaScript

semrel: Semantic Release 📦

A simple semantic release CLI Tool.


npx @geeofree/semrel [<options>]

CLI Options

Option Description Defaults
--initial-version, -i Sets the initial version of the release. '1.0.0'
--suffix, -s Sets the suffix of the version name ie. x.x.x-<suffix> null
--dry-run, -d Run the command but don't publish. false
--draft Publish a draft release. false
--pre-release Publish a pre-release. false
--jira-url, --ju The URL for your JIRA board. The commit scope will be appended to it. null
--validate-jira-links Checks whether the generated JIRA link (JIRA URL + scope) is valid. false

Config Files

This script will read from one of the ff. files in order: .semrel.js, .semrel.yaml, .semrel.yml.

The files will be read relative to the working directory of where the command was executed.

TODO: Document how to write config files.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Defaults
GH_TOKEN, GITHUB_TOKEN REQUIRED: Github token with write permissions on the repository. ''
GH_REPOSITORY REQUIRED: Github repository in the form of: '<repo_owner>/<repo_name>'. ''
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME The name of the committer when publishing releases. SemRel Bot
GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL The email of the committer when publishing releases. semrel-bot@hotmail.com
SEMREL_DEBUG Provides debugging output. 0
VERBOSE Prints each command execution in the script. 0


Most of the code is based off from:

Both are by: @antongolub