- 3
Jenkins plugins fail with error 401
#389 opened by Hraesvelg - 0
jenkins_package_state == "latest" does not work
#394 opened by muellert - 0
Password Update Fails
#392 opened by muellert - 1
Jenkins self-update
#390 opened by chrisdecker1201 - 1
Incorrect Regex to replace existing values?
#386 opened by prabjohns-atex - 0
- 2
ampere 128c monero randomx v1 algo benchmark
#382 opened by juanpc2018 - 6
Can / will new Jenkins signing key be added?
#378 opened by wivory - 4
Ability to set AllowAnonymousRead
#368 opened by fkuep - 2
jenkins_process_user and jenkins_process_group should be part of the generated init file
#373 opened by chris968 - 3
- 2
Server certificate verification failed
#371 opened by Foufou-exe - 2
- 4
jenkins_plugins_install_dependencies dont work if set version for main plugin
#358 opened by patsevanton - 2
- 2
Failed on "Ensure Jenkins is installed"
#370 opened by JornDM - 1
Jenkins does not start because the role is patching the plugin update configuration
#367 opened by stephenneal - 2
- 1
jenkins install fails on " installed jenkins package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1",
#365 opened by zero-pytagoras - 4
CI failing with 'service did not take the steps required by its unit configuration'
#361 opened by geerlingguy - 2
- 7
Port Changes and other defaults cannot be over ridden with the latest release.
#351 opened by jlombardo29 - 5
Ubuntu: ansible_os_family responding with "RedHat"
#340 opened by joggerjoel - 3
-Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false not apply. /etc/default/jenkins does not work after Jenkins version 2.332.1
#357 opened by patsevanton - 2
jenkins_prefer_lts: true downloads from wrong url
#342 opened by janvanlith - 3
Role defines java_packages variable but does not use it - java_packages are not installed
#337 opened by m8ram - 3
- 2
error in README jenkins_prefer_lts
#336 opened by m8ram - 1
- 2
Installation on Debian croaks
#339 opened by amotl - 2
- 3
jenkins_pkg_url invalid for LTS on RedHat
#330 opened by michalmedvecky - 2
Add tag molecule-idempotence-notest on "Install Jenkins plugins using password" task
#332 opened by rgarrigue - 2
- 2
Admin user config broken if error on flush_handlers
#327 opened by dsoriano - 2
Install and configure Jenkins on Windows
#325 opened by xiaoYuRun - 9
- 4
Not Installing plugins
#312 opened by sumitsharma16 - 2
Jenkins not obeying JENKINS_HOME
#319 opened by jason-potkanski-abbott - 2
variable to provide username/password for proxy
#317 opened by db0 - 4
- 9
- 1
Suggestion: Add a task to uninstall jenkins
#328 opened by cmoulliard - 2
- 5
Failure to download plugins behind a firewall
#304 opened by nhemingw-xilinx - 8
plugin dependency not installed, even with jenkins_plugins_install_dependencies: true
#299 opened by timblaktu - 2
- 3
TASK [geerlingguy.jenkins : Install Jenkins plugins using password FAILED
#310 opened by leonardocastanodiaz - 7
integrate with configuration-as-code plugin
#300 opened by timblaktu - 4
What is Best Practice for Uninstalling (or making other state changes to) Plugins with this Role?
#302 opened by timblaktu