
Get Shenobi working... on arm64

geerlingguy opened this issue · 5 comments

I got Shenobi up and running—but then got the dreaded:

pi@dvr:~ $ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                          PORTS     NAMES
0d121ca71fae   "sh /home/Shinobi/Do…"   57 seconds ago   Restarting (1) 21 seconds ago             Shinobi
pi@dvr:~ $ docker logs 0d1
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error
exec /bin/sh: exec format error

Looking at the container registry on GitLab:[]=dev&search[]=

I only see an nvidia tag, an arm32v7 tag, and a 'dev' tag (which is the default and presumably for x86_64).

I then went to log into GitLab to work on a fork/merge request, then realized I can't log into for some reason (used to have an account linked to GitHub but for some reason that's not working, and I can't do password recovery email either).

But basically the two things that would need to be done to get this working on arm64 are:

For now, I'm just going to see if I can build my own custom Docker image basing off the Node.js arm64v8 image.

I have it recording, but there are a lot of artifacts. Trying to view a 4K stream in browser just locks up Shinobi's UI. There are a lot of settings. There is a lot of UI madness. But I finally have something working.

It's strange to me how complicated all these DVRs are—they throw the kitchen sink at you right away. Would be nice if it was just like "you know the RTSP stream URL? Enter it and you'll see a camera." But nooo... there's like a 5 page form to fill out just to see if you can connect!

Hey Jeff,

hope it is ok if i comment here? Maybe i can help save some time.

I am running shinobi at 3 different places on a Raspberry PI 4GB. I am using the dex0827/shinobi-arm docker container for it because it features the almost latest version of shinobi. The other images are quite often only the master branch and the latest version (i think dev branch) works much better.

I am currently thinking about creating my own build based on dev branch and put it the docker hub for everyone. But that with a latest build. For example the new mqtt features in the currently used image are not working but were already fixed in the latest dev branch.

I am using Reolink 4k cams, RLC-810A. The have such a great quallity, i can see the lawn moving.

I found out, that rtmp is working better than rtsp, with rtsp i had some laggs every few seconds. For the input i am using MPEG-4 and in the URL path i put in the rtmp path for the camera.

For the motion detection: minimum change 2, maximum change: 85, trigger: 1 and color threshold: 5.
Consider using a substream for the motion dection, that will reduce the cpu usage.

For the streaming i am using HLS, and Video/Audio Codec is on copy.
The 4k Stream is running without any lag on 25FPS with only very small delay.

By the way, at my home i am also using some very cool selfmade raspberry pi rtsp streaming cameras.

If you have some spare time, we could exchange ideas via chat or video if you like.

Thanks for that detail! I haven't touched the motion detection yet, so it's nice to see your settings and I'll probably just give that a try when I'm back at it.

Thanks for that detail! I haven't touched the motion detection yet, so it's nice to see your settings and I'll probably just give that a try when I'm back at it.

@florian-asche Hi,really thanks for your great work of integrating all these popular NVR into one repository and I have successfully configured the Frigate and Shinobi like below(With some help from ChatGPT):
but for the Frigate,I don't know where to open it's user interface and for the Shinobi which I can't acess to the user interface too just like I used to install it manually on the pi 4B:
and the developer of Shinobi still not reply me in their discord server,so I want to ask you for some help and I will be very grateful if you can give me some advice!:-)