
Serial Read/Write Test Program

Primary LanguageC

Serial Read/Write Test Program

"sercat" is a test program for reading from or writing to a serial port.
It allows to configure baud rate and hardware flow control in one shot,
without using e.g. stty.


    sercat: [options] <dev>

    Valid options are:
	-h, --help       Display this usage information
	-f, --hwflow     Enable hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)
	-n, --noflow     Disable hardware flow control
	-r, --read       Read mode (default)
	-s, --speed      Serial speed
	-v, --verbose    Enable verbose mode
	-w, --write      Write mode


  * Send a short message to ttyS0, using hardware flow control:

	echo Hello | sercat --write --hwflow /dev/ttyS0

  * Read a message from ttyS0:

  	sercat /dev/ttyS0