
A web-based application for fans seeking to enhance their away game experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Traveling Fan

A web-based reference for post-NFL game sightseeing when traveling to unfamiliar cities.

Installation Steps

git clone https://github.com/geet084/traveling-fan.git

npm install

npm start


This project offered us an introduction to React concepts. As Turing students, this was our first opportunity to understand the benefits of working with React rather than regular ES6 classes. Datasets were made by our group members and we were required to make an API fetch from Heroku. We were also given the opportunity to use Sass/Scss styling and implement a testing suite.

Primary Technologies Used

  • ReactJS
  • JSX
  • Jest
  • Enzyme
  • Sass
  • Heroku API fetch

Deployed Website

Next Steps

Future iterations of the project could include:

  • Add team schedule
  • Import Leaflet to show map locations for attractions
  • Add directions from stadiums to attractions
  • CSS transitions between team/city views
  • Google displays are in-app rather than in a popup window


screen shot 2019-01-02 at 2 57 31 pm

screen shot 2019-01-02 at 2 57 11 pm


screen shot 2019-01-02 at 3 09 28 pm

screen shot 2019-01-02 at 3 10 41 pm

screen shot 2019-01-02 at 3 10 55 pm


Travis Gee

Theo Bean

Eric Fitzsimons