
An Inventory Management System developed using C# for efficient tracking and control of stock. Manage product details, ensure secure access, all within a user-friendly interface.

Primary LanguageC#

Inventory Management System


  1. Add new users to the inventory and update and delete user details from the system.

  2. Add new products to the inventory and update and delete product details from the system.

  3. Add new categories to the inventory and update and delete category details from the system.

  4. Add new dealers and customers to the inventory, and update and delete dealer and customer details from the system.

  5. Show inventory and all the transaction details in separate grids.

  6. Search for products, users, dealers, and customers by name or id.

  7. Calculate purchase and sales.


  1. C# (Programming Language)

  2. NET Framework (Runtime Environment)

  3. SQL Server (Database)

  4. Windows Forms (User Interface)

Used Tools

  1. C# programming language

  2. SQL Server

  3. Microsoft Visual Studio

  4. Git & Github (Version Control)

Getting Started

To get started with this project on your local machine, follow these steps:
  1. Clone the repository to your computer: git clone https://github.com/geethdev/GadgetsHub-Inventory-Management-System.git

  2. Open the project in Visual Studio or your preferred C# IDE.

  3. Restore NuGet packages and build the project.

  4. Run the application.

  5. Admin credentials -
    username = admin
    password = admin

  6. User credentials -
    username = user
    password = user


If you want to contribute to this project, follow these steps:
  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

  3. Make your changes and ensure the code style and tests pass.

  4. Create a pull request with a clear description of your changes.

Admin Dashboard 1n

User Dashboard 10n







