
Story/blog management system using flask

Primary LanguageHTML


Story/blog management system using flask

Install the following packages:

  1. Flask
  2. flask_mysqldb
  3. wtforms
  4. passlib
  5. functools

Create your own mysql database named flaskdb with user as 'root' and password as '12345678'.

Run the following commands in your mysql console:

grant all privileges on . to root@localhost identified by '12345678' with grant option;

use flaskdb;

create table users ( name varchar(100), email varchar(100), username varchar(100), password varchar(100), primary key(username));

create table articles( id int AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(100), body varchar(5000), author varchar(30), create_date date, primary key(id) );

For running the app: python app.py