
The file with documented commands is given at RISE-lab-IITM/software/QSPI/qspi_micron.c. The header file qspi.h also contains documentation commands. Check that out too.

To view the documentation of the file, download the repository and run it using doxygen. Follow the procedure given below to run doxygen.


Installation procedure: In your terminal, to install doxygen and it's GUI:

sudo apt-get install doxygen

sudo apt-get install graphviz

To open the doxygen GUI, enter command:


The doxygen GUI must have opened. In Step 1: Give the path of the working directory In Step 2: Give a name to the project & specify the source code directory and the destination directory

**Note: Enable Scan recursively while specifying the source code directory.

Click next

In the mode menu, select 'All Entities' and 'Optimize for C'

Click next

Click on Run Doxygen

To see output, Click on Show HTML output