Learning C using Drawings, Graphics and Games

This repo contains some sample programs to help learn C.

A simplified interface to allegro libary is provided (allegro.h) which helps to write programs with less boilerpate code.


1. Install Allegro 5 library:



Ubuntu 18.04+ (or derivatives thereof)

First, add the Allegro PPA. This gives you up-to-date versions of Allegro; the base repos only provide 5.2.3 at the time of writing.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:allegro/5.2

Then, install Allegro:

sudo apt-get install liballegro*5.2 liballegro*5-dev

Debian-based distributions (Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, etc..)

sudo apt-get install liballegro-ttf5-dev


sudo dnf install allegro5*


sudo pacman -S allegro

openSUSE Tumbleweed

sudo zypper install liballegro*


Binary packages may be available for your distro; feel free to add them here if so.

Otherwise, select "Something else" below.


Install with Homebrew

brew install allegro

You will also need to install pkg-config, if it is not already installed.

brew install pkg-config


  1. Download and Install MSYS2 (https://www.msys2.org/)

  2. Install GCC and make:

Open the MSYS2 UCRT64 terminal (from start menu)

run command pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc

run command pacman -S make

  1. Install Allegro

Download and extract: https://github.com/liballeg/allegro5/releases/download/

Copy the include, lib, bin folders in the extracted allegro folder to [MSYS2 Directory]\ucrt64.

  1. Download and extract the files in https://github.com/geevi/cpro_allegro/archive/refs/heads/main.zip to [MSYS2 Directory]/home/[username]/

  2. Open MSYS2 UCRT64 terminal (from start menu).

cd cpro_allegro-main


2. Download and extract the code

from: https://github.com/geevi/cpro_allegro/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

3. Compile

using either of the bellow options

  • Run the long command
    gcc 2_rec_drawing.c allegro.c $(pkg-config allegro-5 allegro_font-5 allegro_primitives-5 allegro_audio-5 allegro_acodec-5 allegro_image-5 --libs --cflags) -lm
  • run the script provided
    • bash linux_compile.sh for linux and mac
    • windows_compile.bat for windows
  • run make
    • make 1 for compiling 1_learn_draw. Run the executable 1.out
    • make 2 for compiling 2_rec_drawing. Run the executable 2.out