This application is designed to store and manage professors' publications and their personal info, including name, educations, academic degrees, ranks and past postitions.
The app is developed using microservices architecture. It includes the following microservices:
- Identity Serivce
- Employees Service
- API Gateway
- Frontend React App
To run app locally, refer to each services' README to see the instructions on how to run it locally.
- docker compose
- Clone the repository
git clone
- cd into this folder
cd FITApp
- Create a
file in this folder containing the following environment variables, replacing the values in with your ownFor more info about these variables refer to the appropriate service's README. If an option has a colon (:) in it's name, you need to replace it with double underscore (__) in .env. You can also specify other options if needed, but these are the only one that you must have.# Shared JwtOptions__PublicKey=your-public-key JwtOptions__PrivateKey=your-private-key # Identity Service AdminOptions__Email=your-admin-email AdminOptions__Password=your-admin-password EmailSettings__Email=your-gmail-email-address-used-to-send-emails EmailSettings__Password=your-gmail-app-password ConnectionStrings__IdentityDefaultConnection=your-postgres-connection-string # Employees Service CloudinarySettings__CloudName=your-cloudinary-cloud-name CloudinarySettings__ApiSecret=your-cloudinary-api-secret CloudinarySettings__ApiKey=your-cloudinary-api-key MongoDBSettings__ConnectionString=your-mongodb-connection-string
- Run docker compose
docker compose up
After all of the containers have started the app is ready to be used.
Mapped containers' ports (http):
- Frontend Application - 7777
- API Gateway - 7000
- PostgreSQL - 7001
- MongoDB - 7002