TDD: Dapr

Full cycle example of pubsub with aspnetcore, dapr and rabbitmq.


Install Dapr using the getting started.

Dapr documentation on RabbitMQ as pubsub component


RabbitMQ with management plugin:

docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 8080:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:management-alpine
key value
url http://localhost:8080
username guest
password guest

Dapr sidecar

Prior to running the API integration tests you start the dapr runtime process in self-hosted mode:

dapr run --app-id test --app-port 5555  --dapr-grpc-port 5000 --components-path  ./DaprDemo.Api.IntegrationTests/components

Afterwards you stop it with the terminate signal, or from another process:

dapr stop --app-id test
