
Scripts, SQL, and files used for the DISCOVER.DB2 YouTube channel.

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts, SQL, and files used for the DISCOVER.DB2 YouTube channel.


I am not an advanced scripter or SQL writer. No warranty implied, use these at your own risk.


The following Scripts, SQL, or files were used in an episode of Discover.DB2 (Youtube). If you watched an episoide and want to get your hands on something I used, this is the place to get it.


Make sure to read comments and headers of each script. In each case, you will probably have to swap out a few placeholders (@VALUE@) for a specific value you would like set.

Available SQL and Scripts:

CREATE_EXPLAIN.ksh (Episode 5)

This script will call a procedure to create tables needed for the EXPLAIN or db2advis utilities.


A basic template to create a crontab entry for your DB2 instance. Includes a header, example entries, and syntax examples.

DB2SET.ksh (Episode 4)

This script will adjust DB2 profile variables to some specific settings I use when creating a new database instance from scratch.

EXT_STATUS.sql (Episode 21)

This SQL will help you monitor background extent movement progress from an ALTER TABLESPACE REDUCE MAX command.

IREF.sql (Episode 18)

SQL that will extrapolate a database Avg. Result Set Size (ARSS), database level Index Read Efficiency (IREF), and statment level Index Read Efficiency (IREF).


This script will completely deactivate the (depricated) DB2 Health Monitor. Pay attention to comments in the script and follow the URL within the script to an IBM Technote.

Dockerfile_Example.zip (Episode 26)

Three files used during "Writing a Dockerfile for Db2 (Part II)" episode. This contains a dockerfile and additional scripts used in my example.

PARSE_DIAG.ksh (Episode 11)

A quick script that takes a database name and pulls 24 hours of DB2DIAG.log details via PD_GET_DIAG_HIST.


A basic template to create a user profile (.profile) for your instance ID. Includes items like command line recall, prompt formatting, and splashscreens.

REVOKE_PUBLIC.ksh (Episode 5)

This script will revoke some implicit access PUBLIC is granted upon initial DB creation. CAUTION: If your database is established already (with users, application connections, etc) be careful and test the affects in a lower level environment first.

UPDATE_DBM_PREF.ksh (Episode 4)

This script will makes adjustments to the DB2 Database Manager (DBM) Configuration Settings (Instance Level). These are settings I use when creating a database from scratch.

UPDATE_DBM_PREF.ksh (Episode 5)

This script will makes adjustments to the Database Configuration settings (Database Level). These are settings I use when creating a database from scratch.