
A slim 3 based skeleton project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

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Collective is a skeleton project based on Slim 3, and Twig.

This project comes configured with:

  • Symfony Console App
  • Slim 3
  • Extendable Container Aware Classes (Action, Middleware, Controller)
  • Route Loading via config file
  • Middleware loading via config file
  • Monolog


  • Session
  • Flash Messages
  • Monolog
  • Rate Limiting


  • Json
  • Twig [slim/twig-view]
  • PHP [slim/php-view]

Install the Application

Run this command from the directory in which you want to install your new Collective/Slim Framework application.

php composer.phar create-project geggleto/collective [my-app-name]

Replace [my-app-name] with the desired directory name for your new application. You'll want to:

  • Point your virtual host document root to your new application's public/ directory.
  • Ensure logs/ is web writable.


config/app.config holds your Dependency Container Default Values. To turn Twig Caching off:

$container["config"]["cache_path"] = false


"cache_path" => "../cache", ==> "cache_path" => false,


The application expects you to set your web root to the public directory and have the ability to rewrite URLS. A default .htaccess is provided.


Collective provides base classes that are container aware so you don't need to write your own!


Collective provides an extendable class Geggleto\Helper\BaseAction for your Actions if you are following ADR.


Collective provides an extendable class Geggleto\Helper\BaseContainerClass for your Controllers if you are following MVC.


Collective provides an extendable class Geggleto\Helper\BaseMiddleware for your Middleware.

Dependency Resolution

In any class that extends either (BaseAction, BaseMiddleware or BaseContainerClass), any dependency listed in app.config will be available in the class by accessing it through the app.config key as a class variable.

That is to say, if I want to access the session object in an action

//Access Session object in a Action
public function __invoke (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, array $args)
    return $this->twig->render($response, "hello.twig", [$this->session->get('name')]);


Routes can be configured in the app.config class for easy configuration. Each route must have a pattern (key) and a callable element. Middleware and names are optional

    'routes' => [
        //What HTTP Verb
        'get' => [
            //   / => Pattern
            //   callable => What action to run
            //   mw => What middleware are we running
            //   name => name the route
            '/' => [ "callable" => HelloWorldAction::class, "mw" => [], "name" => "" ]

Application Middleware

Application middleware can be configured in the app.config file as well.

    "app-middleware" => [

Middleware Closures

Middleware closures can be added at any point before run by wrapping your closure with a factory closure from pimple.

   $this->collective->addMw("Test2", function ($c) {
            return function ($req, $res, $next) {
                $res = $next($req, $res);
                return $res;


Sessions are on by default. If you want to turn sessions off or swap packages, then remove the session key from the app.config file. The session class uses whatever your php is configured to use [which is files by default].

Supported Syntax:

$this->session->put('key', 'value');
$this->session->key = 'value';

If you want to use a different storage engine than the see this page.


Flash Messages

Flash Messages require the Session component. It is enabled by default Flash Messages will be deleted on the next request.

//Create a flash message ... do it someplace
$this->flash->put('message', 'my message');
//Access the message on the next request via ServerRequestInterface
//Access the message in Twig on the next request
{{ flash['message'] }}

CLI Tools

Collective provides a Symfony console app for creating Actions and Middleware easily.


php cli.php create:action MyActionClassName


php cli.php create:middleware MyMiddlewareClassName

Error Pages

Custom Error handlers are provided for:

  • Page not found templates/404.twig
  • Method not allowed templates/405.twig
  • Server Error templates/500.twig

Optional Packages

... Coming soon