Example Account Microservice

This project is an example of how to build a HTTP based microservice using basic event sourcing.

Usage using Docker using Docker-Compose.


yarn go calls docker-compose build/up

Docker configured to use Nodemon to listen for local changes so you don't need to rebuild. Only time you need to rebuild is when you are adding dependencies.


The app defines 2 end-points

  • GET /account/:accountId

  • POST /account

An account is represented by 2 fields, accountId, email. It is easily extensible.

Folder structure

The app exposes 4 main categories:

  • Aggregates - Defines entities/data
  • Handlers - Handles HTTP layer traffic
  • Repositories - Handles Storage operations
  • Services - Handles data-fetch operations

Aggregates are basic models of data, currently theres an example in Account that just reduces all values into a projection. It would be better to apply events, each event type has a mapping to a function that applies the event to the aggregate.

Handlers return an Express Handler function while wrapping its dependencies. It would be better to have a dependency container but that's not required for so little end-points.

Insomnia Collection

See Insomnia_*.json for workspaces.