
Use chat gpt with your own data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This API is intended to enable you to create a scalable 'Chat GPT' for your own data.

There is a lot on the internet about how you can create your own GPT or how you can use GPT with your data. If you want to do it on your own, I strongly recommend that you check https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain.

However, if you just want to test the technology or are looking for something to start playing with your own data with Chat GPT in seconds, I strongly recommend that you keep reading.


To start the idea it's to do it as simple as possible, you just only need

then you need to run

git clone https://github.com/geisbruch/jaai-api
cd jaai-api
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<here your key>
docker-compose up

It will take a while ... After it has started (It will create a local opensearch server, a local PostgresSql and the api server)


by now json and text document (any text document) are supported

Here some examples about how to usage

First create an "account"

curl -X POST -d '{"name":"test"}' -H"Content-Type: application/json"

Example response:

Now index a document

Node: your documents will be created into collections, a collection is the "search unit" you can create add-hoc chat gpt query's using either a collection or a document

curl -XPOST -H"X-Account-Id: $ACCOUNT_ID" -H"X-Collection-Name: test" -H"X-Document-Name: test1" -H"Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary "@$PWD/errors/errors.js" 

example response

Here we have indexed the errors of this API

If you want to index json documents

curl -XPOST -d  "{\"account_id\":\"$ACCOUNT_ID\", \"collection_name\":\"test\", \"document\":{\"name\":\"doc 1\",\"content\":\"THE CONTENT GOES HERE\"}}"

So we will query it

To do that we will start a chat

curl -X POST -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"collection_id\":\"$COLLECTION_ID\", \"message\":\"can you tell me what errors have I defined ?\"}"

And here the magic happens and you should get something like it

{"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"Yes, the defined errors are: EntityNotFoundException, InvalidDocument,
 InvalidChatConfig, and InvalidDocumentConfig. They are defined in the `ERROR_TYPES` object."},

You can also set an specific document you want to use instead of the whole collection

curl -X POST -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"collection_id\":\"$COLLECTION_ID\", \"document_id\":\"$DOCUMENT_ID\", \"message\":\"can you tell me what errors have I defined ?\"}"

#Similar example answer
{"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"Yes, the defined errors are: EntityNotFoundException, InvalidDocument,
 InvalidChatConfig, and InvalidDocumentConfig. They are defined in the `ERROR_TYPES` object."},

If you want you can follow the conversation over the same context to do that (by now chat memory is in the api instance memory)

curl -X POST -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"message\":\"can you show me a usage example of those errors ?\"}"$CHAT_ID

#Another magic anwer from chat gpt

    "message": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "Sure! Here's an example of how you could use the EntityNotFoundException error:\n\n```\n
        function findEntityById(id) {\n  
            const entity = someDatabase.find(entity => entity.id === id);\n  
            if (!entity) {\n
                  throw new EntityNotFoundException({ message: `Entity with id ${id} not found` });\n        
            return entity;\n     
        In this example, we're trying to find an entity in a database by its ID. If the entity is not found, we throw an EntityNotFoundException error with a message indicating which ID was not found."
    "usage": {
        "prompt_tokens": 663,
        "completion_tokens": 114,
        "total_tokens": 777
    "chat_id": "0496e6728fbf493da7a53428866c59e9"

How it works?

There is a lot of information about it on the net, but the basic workflow is:


  • You send a document.
  • That document is split into smaller chunks (about 1500 words) because the prompt has some small limits.
  • An embedding of each chunk is calculated. An embedding is a numerical representation of your text (https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/embeddings).
  • Your embedding, joined to the document, is stored and indexed (in our case, it is OpenSearch. In the future, we'll also store the full document in some other storage).


  • You enter a message.
  • The embedding of your message is calculated.
  • Using the embedding, the most relevant contents are searched (by now, in OpenSearch).
  • A full prompt is created, including:
    • A system prompt, which tells Chat GPT how to act.
    • A context, all the relevant documents found using the embeddings of your query and your documents.
    • Your message.
  • The full prompt is sent to the OpenAI API.
  • The answer is stored locally to enable you to follow the conversation.

Promt engineering

A very important part of it is the prompt you use for the context. By default, there is a prompt in services/chat_services.js, but if you want, you can choose one per collection using the prompt field.

Next Steps

  • Support PDFs
  • Support Audio
  • Support images
  • Testing (yes it has been started just as a discovery but now we should add som testing)
  • Add a frontend