Code Challange

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Challenge Description

The challenge is to create two different routes inside the application “/table” and “/user” where:


  • You should be able to create a table and present the data coming from the backend in realtime. Each new data that arrives must be inserted into the table.
  • The candidate must create a search input on the same page that will filter this information within the table.

An example that you can use for guidance:



  • The candidate must create a card presenting the information of the connected user into the server.

An example that you can use for guidance:


Must have:

  • use this repo as a boilerplate of your project

  • Use Material-ui v5 for construct your components.

  • React/hooks

  • On the day of the interview you should have the project running on your local machine for a presentation.

Additional information

  • The backend is already built.
  • You can use it as a data source, the client will be connected to the socket in real time.
  • You will receive in an interval of 0 and 10 seconds a new response with the financial data and you should use this information to build the table.

JSON schema for market data:

  "account_name": "Personal Loan Account",
  "amount": "890.86",
  "credit_card_cvv": "248",
  "credit_card_issuer": "maestro",
  "credit_card_number": "6370-9605-9936-9733",
  "currency_name": "Pataca",
  "transaction_description": "payment transaction at Greenfelder",
  "transaction_type": "withdrawal"

JSON schema for client connected:

  "client_id": "irZP2T8dsRl1kpCnAAAB",
  "first_name": "Otilia",
  "job": "Forward Accounts Strategist",
  "job_descriptor": "Regional"

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

npm run server

Launches the realtime server for provide data.
Open http://localhost:3003 to get json response.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.