Pinned issues
- 6
Support for Next.js 13 `app` dir
#823 opened by dopecoder - 0
Label for Textarea Component
#836 opened by LuanEdCosta - 6
- 12
Default Props Warning
#838 opened by Yash-Singh1 - 0
Tooltip display bug
#865 opened by abandon888 - 0
handle files in the file tree
#864 opened by kbhavre - 0
The position calculated by the getRectFromDOMWithContainer method needs to be subtracted from the offset of the body
#833 opened by shervinchen - 0
Showcase: LOGIA | Propositional formula calculator and truth table generator
#859 opened by CausaVivere - 8
setToast: Toast is never displayed
#814 opened by Throvn - 0
activeStyles of Tabs
#857 opened by nguyenph194812 - 0
React App. Geist Type error when trying to display image on hover. @geist-ui/react@2.2.5
#856 opened by mclaughlin111 - 0
Add arrow buttons to the end of tab scroll.
#855 opened by ishandutta2007 - 0
- 0
- 4
Popover not good in mobile
#839 opened by tienlx97 - 2
Support for
#812 opened by shellwhale - 0
- 4
Slow CSS Start Up
#845 opened by happer64bit - 0
Showcase: TakeNote
#781 opened by stylessh - 0
Select component onChange not have source event
#844 opened by lxhyl - 0
Prevent avoidable re-renders on GeistBackdrop (modal)
#843 opened by ggrossetie - 0
Used by
#841 opened by sambarrowclough - 0
Geist && `OtherComponent`
#827 opened by kaitoukid-1412 - 0
Showcase: Personal Site
#785 opened by not-manu - 0
Unexpected behavior in the Drawer component when using the 'keyboard' and 'disableBackdropClick' properties together.
#837 opened by LeonamMoura - 0
Select Component Name Prop
#834 opened by Hamziss - 0
Toggle component does not permit adding a valid label?
#829 opened by strlns - 2
example of server components with next 13?
#816 opened by Sebasssssss - 1
Box Component
#770 opened by matheuslanduci - 1
Default button behavior
#824 opened by dmcleish91 - 0
Toasts not working in Nextjs 13
#821 opened by rayli09 - 0
Make the tooltip more accessible
#819 opened by raidenmiro - 3
A very weird css issue on modal backdrop layer
#780 opened by zoubingwu - 0
Scale does not work with Input.Password
#818 opened by sinbad-io - 1
geist-ui <Cssbaseline /> will auto insert into body , how can i insert it to shadow root
#817 opened by meowWhat - 1
- 0
Add 'circle' prop to 'Checkbox' component that changes style to the existing Geist 'CheckInCircle' icons
#809 opened by wiresv - 1
Drawer closed unexpectedly because of a race condition while handling pointer events in Backdrop
#805 opened by agoldis - 5
[Bug]: The slider component is easy to trigger click events during the dragging process
#774 opened by nonzzz - 2
Select Width Issue
#786 opened by ayushsharma82 - 1
Change icon name to prevent duplicate import
#801 opened by satoshiman - 0
- 2
Add Storybook for easier component dev/test
#796 opened by fredericbonnet - 1
#791 opened - 2
Multiple sizes for the avatar component
#779 opened by jacobhq - 0
#777 opened by albertocevallos - 1
Next.js installation guide is incorrect
#775 opened by nexxeln - 3
Popover inside a Modal box appears behind
#771 opened by diegoulloao - 0
Adding Skeleton
#773 opened by GripenANM - 0
CSS-controlled theming
#769 opened by Zk2u