
Project for the 2023 winter semester Reliable and Trustworthy course at ETH Zürich

Primary LanguagePython

JourFixe: Wednesdays 16:30


RIAI 2023 Course Project

Folder structure

In the directory code, you can find 3 files and one folder:

  • The file networks.py contains the fully-connected and convolutional neural network architectures used in this project.
  • The file verifier.py contains a template of the verifier. Loading of the stored networks and test cases is already implemented in the main function. If you decide to modify the main function, please ensure that the parsing of the test cases works correctly. Your task is to modify the analyze function by building upon DeepPoly convex relaxation. Note that the provided verifier template is guaranteed to achieve 0 points (by always outputting not verified).
  • The file evaluate will run all networks and specs currently in the repository. It follows the calling convention we will use for grading.
  • The folder utils contains helper methods for loading and initialization (There is most likely no need to change anything here).

In the directory models, you can find 14 neural networks (9 fully connected and 5 convolutional) weights. These networks are loaded using PyTorch in verifier.py. Note that we included two _base networks which do not contain activation functions.

In the directory test_cases, you can find 13 subfolders (the folder for fc_6 contains both examples for cifar10 and mnist). Each subfolder is associated with one of the networks using the same name. In a subfolder corresponding to a network, you can find 2 test cases for each network. Note that for the base networks, we provide you with 5 test cases each. Also, as we use 2 different versions (mnist, cifar10) of fc_6, the corresponding folder contains 2 test cases per dataset. As explained in the lecture, these test cases are not part of the set of test cases that we will use for the final evaluation.

Note that all inputs are images with pixel values between 0 and 1. The same range also applies to all abstract bounds that we want to verify.

Setup instructions

We recommend you install a Python virtual environment to ensure dependencies are the same as the ones we will use for evaluation. To evaluate your solution, we are going to use Python 3.10. You can create a virtual environment and install the dependencies using the following commands:

$ virtualenv venv --python=python3.10
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you prefer conda environments we also provide a conda environment.yaml file which you can install (After installing conda or mamba) via

$ conda env create -f ./environment.yaml
$ conda activate rtai-project

for mamba simply replace conda with mamba.

Running the verifier

We will run your verifier from code directory using the command:

$ python code/verifier.py --net {net} --spec test_cases/{net}/img{id}_{dataset}_{eps}.txt

In this command,

  • net is equal to one of the following values (each representing one of the networks we want to verify): fc_base, fc_1, fc_2, fc_3, fc_4, fc_5, fc_6, fc_7, conv_base, conv_1, conv_2, conv_3, conv_4.
  • id is simply a numerical identifier of the case. They are not always ordered as they have been directly sampled from a larger set of cases.
  • dataset is the dataset name, i.e., either mnist or cifar10.
  • eps is the perturbation that the verifier should certify in this test case.

To test your verifier, you can run, for example:

$ python code/verifier.py --net fc_1 --spec test_cases/fc_1/img0_mnist_0.1394.txt

To evaluate the verifier on all networks and sample test cases, we provide an evaluation script. You can run this script from the root directory using the following commands:

chmod +x code/evaluate


Note that on the dates specified in the presentation, we will pull the master branch both for preliminary feedback and final grading (and push the results to a new branch). Please have your solution on this (master) branch at that point in time.