
:octocat: Collection of really awesome organizations


Individuals and organizations form this awesome open source community. Below is a collection of some organizations I love. The second column is the GitHub url of the organization and the third column are websites of the organization including engineering blog, developer website, API reference, etc.


Organization GitHub Websites
Google https://github.com/google Google Developers Blog, Google Open Source
Google Samples https://github.com/googlesamples Google Developers
Facebook https://github.com/facebook Facebook Code
Facebook Incubator https://github.com/facebookincubator Facebook Code
Android https://github.com/android Android Developers, AOSP, Android Studio Project Site, Android Developers Blog
The Apache Software Foundation https://github.com/apache The Apache Software Foundation
Square https://github.com/square Square Open Source, Square's engineering blog
Evernote https://github.com/evernote Evernote Tech Blog
Microsoft https://github.com/Microsoft Open Source at Microsoft
Pinterest https://github.com/pinterest Pinterest Engineering
Pocket https://github.com/Pocket Pocket Blog
Twitter https://github.com/twitter The Twitter Engineering Blog, The Twitter Developer Blog
Vine https://github.com/vine
LinkedIn https://github.com/linkedin LinkedIn Engineering
Flipboard https://github.com/Flipboard Flipboard Engineering
GitHub https://github.com/github GitHub Engineering, The GitHub Blog: Engineering
Instagram https://github.com/Instagram Instagram Engineering
Uber https://github.com/uber, https://github.com/uber-common Uber Engineering
Snapchat https://github.com/Snapchat
Yahoo https://github.com/yahoo Yahoo Developer Network
Tumblr https://github.com/tumblr Tumblr Engineering
Flickr https://github.com/flickr code.flickr.com
Reddit https://github.com/reddit upvoted
500px https://github.com/500px 500px Engineering Blog
The White House https://github.com/WhiteHouse Developers
US Army Research Laboratory https://github.com/USArmyResearchLab
Atom https://github.com/atom Atom
Realm https://github.com/realm Realm
Yelp https://github.com/Yelp Yelp Engineering and Product
Medium https://github.com/Medium Medium Engineering
Airbnb https://github.com/airbnb Airbnb engineering & data science
material-foundation https://github.com/material-foundation material.io
Trello https://github.com/trello Tech at Trello
Netflix https://github.com/Netflix Netflix Open Source Software Center, The Netflix Tech Blog
Slack https://github.com/slackhq The Slack Engineering Blog
Lyft https://github.com/lyft Lyft Engineering


Feel free to send pull requests. But make sure that organizations you add meet the following requirements:

  • Internet company or organization
  • Contribute to open source community
  • Famous and high quality