
👉 This is not source code of my personal blog, but https://menghanzhang.com/ 's

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Melodie's typing...

Netlify Status

Here lies the source code of my personal blog Melodie's typing....



This blog website is built on Gatsby. Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.

This Blog

This blog is developed based on gatsby-starter-blog. You can start either from scratch or any existing starter templates and running sites.


The domain of this blog is menghanzhang.com. It also has an old domain melodiezhang.com which is redirected to menghanzhang.com. Both domains were purchased on GoDaddy.

Netlify uses Let's Encrypt to enable HTTPS for menghanzhang.com automatically. Since I don't have a host server for the old domain melodiezhang.com, it is not convenient to enable HTTPS for it. Unfortunately, the old domain enabled HSTS(HTTP Strict Transport Security) and the setting has been saved locally that existing users are blocked by visiting the old domain unless they clear the setting manually. So, I use Cloudflare to stand between the users and the domain. Cloudflare enables HTTPS for melodiezhang.com.


Development Environment


Code style

The codebase uses Prettier to format code style. Use npm run format to format the repo.


The website uses tailwindcss to style.

Additionally, We use @tailwindcss/typography to apply beautiful typography defaults to the posts. It works like a charm.


npm run build
npm run develop
npm run format
npm run start
npm run serve
npm run clean
npm run test


This blog is hosted on Netlify. Netlify builds and deploys the website automatically whenever there is an update in this repo.