Web3 Function Task created from Smart Contract

There are three ways to create Web3 Function Tasks:

  1. Using the UI
  2. Using the Automate-SDK
  3. Using a smart contract

This project demonstrates creating a Web3 Function task directly from a Smart Contract (3rd option).
This behaviour is ideal for factory contracts as everything takes place on-chain.

There are three ways to handle fee payment:

  1. Using 1Balance
    • This will fund all tasks you create on any network
  2. Sync fee payment with native tokens in the target contract
    • This will only fund tasks interacting with that one contract
  3. Sync fee payment with native tokens in the dedicated message sender
    • This will fund all your tasks on that network

Contracts and tests

  • Oracle1Balance
    fee payment using 1Balance
  • OracleSyncFee
    fee payment using native tokens in the contract


Implementation is as simple as inheriting from AutomateTaskCreator and calling _createTask with the appropriate arguments. If you'd like to use sync fee payment, ensure the contract is funded and then, in your automated function, transfer the fee using _getFeeDetails and _transfer.


Ensure this function is using the onlyDedicatedMsgSender modifier, otherwise anyone will be able to call it and maliciously transfer a fee to themselves.

Get Beta access

Web3 Function are currently in private beta.
In order to get access, please reach out to us here


Ensure the contract itself is whitelisted and not the deployer (EOA)

Quick Start

  1. Install dependencies
    yarn install
  2. Compile smart contracts
    yarn run hardhat compile
  3. Edit .env
    cp .env.example .env
  4. Run unit tests
    yarn run hardhat test