
Your primary role User Interface Developer:

  • You will build a multi-page marketing website that matches the theme chosen by your group and provides the user with details about the product your team has selected to build.
  • Your marketing website must include responsive mobile and desktop screen widths. Please see the "Responsiveness" portion of your rubric for more information on this.
  • The call to action on the website should be a login button that links the user over to the React applicatizon that your Front End Architect is building.
  • Your marketing website must be hosted on a hosting platform like "Netlify" or "Github Pages".
  • For this Marketing site's home page you need to have content and copy that relates to the product that your team is workinfg on.
  • Descriptions about the product and about the features it provides would be key.
  • For a second page, you could do an about us section that includes images of the members of your team, and links to one another's socials/Github.

MVP work - Project should incorporate all of the listed MVP features -Student did not achieve all of the MVP features of the project. -Student's work demonstrates that all MVP features were built -Student's work demonstrates that all MVP features were built and the student went above and beyond the project.

Team Contribution -Participated by contributing but didn't communicate changes or updates. -Communicated changes to team, performed proper git merges and pull requests to get code to the codebase. -Pair programmed with the Front End Architect

HTML/CSS -Student did not match the layout design, there are visible user interface inconsistencies across the project. -Student layed out the design that matches the example well. CSS fundamentals such as: box model, flexbox, and positioning were used appropriately. -Student's code is clean and organized, proper indentation is apparent, a library or framework was researched and used.

Responsiveness -Site is not very responsive, horizontal scroll bars are vizible throughout the app, desktop view does not respond to a mobile view of 500px or below -Phone views look professional at 500px and below and Desktop views look professional at 1000px and above. No horizontal scrollbars exist. -Tablet views look professional at 800px and above. Responsive units are used for font-sizing.