A framework for defining text adventures via Haskell files. Play by combining functions, not by guessing phrases.
Two small example games are included, games/castle
and games/maze
. An example game plays like this:
$ stack run hyzzy games/castle
A toy text adventure where commands have Haskell types.
Type ":help" to view the meta-commands.
> look
You stand in front of the castle's heavy door.
> open door
It's locked.
> unlock
unlock :: Key -> Door -> Command
> :inventory
key :: Key
> unlock key door
That random key you happened to carry in your pockets happens to fit the lock. What are the odds?
> open door
The door opens with a drawn-out yawn.
> enter door
You're in!
If you want to make your own games, here's how the above game is defined:
intro :: Command
intro = Command $ do
display "A toy text adventure where commands have Haskell types."
display "Type \":help\" to view the meta-commands."
addToInventory "key" Key ()
look :: Command
look = "You stand in front of the castle's heavy door."
newtype Door = Door (Object DoorFields)
data DoorFields = DoorFields
{ doorLocked :: Bool
, doorOpened :: Bool
deriving Generic
door :: Instance Door
door = Instance Door $ DoorFields
{ doorLocked = True
, doorOpened = False
enter :: Door -> Command
enter door = Command $ do
DoorFields {..} <- getFields door
if doorOpened
then do
display "You're in!"
goToRoom "Castle"
else do
display "The door is closed."
open :: Door -> Command
open door = Command $ do
DoorFields {..} <- getFields door
if | doorLocked -> display "It's locked."
| doorOpened -> display "It's already opened."
| otherwise -> do
setField Door door #doorOpened True
display "The door opens with a drawn-out yawn."
newtype Key = Key (Object ())
unlock :: Key -> Door -> Command
unlock key door = Command $ do
consume Key key
setField Door door #doorLocked False
display "That random key you happened to carry in your pockets happens to fit the lock. What are the odds?"