
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reduxstagram - state management with Redux

Image client with functionality similar to that of Instagram. Built with React and Redux.


The required dependencies are listed in the file package.json. The can be installed from the command line with

npm install

The development server can be started with

npm run start

This will start the server, and the implementation can be seen in the browser in localhost:7770.

Production build


npm run build

This will create a distro folder with a bundle.js file.


Tests are located in the test folder. They can be run with

npm run test

This runs all tests.

Image data

The image data is in the directory public.


Based on Wes Bos' Learn Redux course. Following updates made.

Package course version updated version
Redux 3.3.1 4.0.5
Babel 6.5.2 7.7.7
React router 2.0.0 5.1.2
eslint 3.4.0 6.8.0

Updated babel plugins in package.json. Updated code to ES6 with the help of eslint. Added proptype checks to classes. Added file-loader in order to be able to load local image files.

Some brief development notes in notes.md.