A one stop shop for all the Recon Stuff, because spreadsheets are bad!
Recon Tools is a Laravel based web platform with CCP SSO ESI integration.
- User Management
- Acitivity Log & Session Tracking
- Granular Roles & Permissions
- ESI SSO Inetgration
- Refresh Token Management
- Solar System Management & Mapping
- Alliance & Corporation Group Management
- Upwell Structure Monitoring & Tracking
- Enchanced Dscan Tools for Recon
- System Indexing
- Metrics based on Upwell Structures.
- Upwell Pricing based on Market Prices
- Package Manager, oohhh...
- Reporting Functions for EVERYTHING!
scopehone of Mindstar Technology
This tool has been developed in conjuction with:
- Alterari Phoenix
- Stardust Mina
- Natalya Spaghet
- Delta Flux
- Brodog827
- Samuel The Terrible
- Hoff Talvanen
- Binaryhood
- Monsaha