
Template for browser only coffee script project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is Teatime ?

Teatime is a kind of boilerplate for Coffeescript client-only application. It includes :

  • Cakefile task to build js file from coffee source files
  • Cakefile task to watch for file modification and automatically build the app
  • Cakefile task to build docs with Docco
  • Cakefile task to build CSS from stylus source files
  • Cakefile task to run Jasmine BDD tests
  • dependencies: backbone, jquery, underscore, modernizr, respond
  • HTML 5 boilerplate from initializr.com
  • directory structure for a backbone app

I just share here what I found useful to set up when starting a browser-only coffee script application. I principally use it for newebe (an open source project) to develop the client side of its embedded applications. I did this because when I was looking for good frameworks for developing javascript application on client side, I found only frameworks too big or too server oriented.

NB: CSS are handled by Stylus, the Coffeescript-like language for CSS.


Just change the name of the application in the cakefile by changing the variable appName. Then rename files as you like.

Don't forget that to use teatime tools, you should must set up a development environment :

git clone https://github.com/ry/node.git

cd node ./configure make make install

Then install its package manager, NPM:

curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

Now install tools we need, Coffeescript compiler:

npm install coffe-script

Cake, the build tool:

npm install cake

UglifyJS, the minifier:

npm install uglify-js

Docco, the documentation builder:

npm install docco

And the Stylus compiler for CSS:

npm install stylus

Then when you finish to work on client code. At the root of the module you worked on, type:

cake build

or for automatic build:

cake watch

and for documentation:

cake docs