
This is the official Portfolio of Jan Angelo Brutas

Hi! πŸ‘‹

It's nice to have you here! My name is Jan Angelo Brutas. Below is where you can find my portfolio. Feel free to have a look at it, if you like my backround and experience then let's talk and probably we can work together πŸ˜‰

Quick note: I will only include projects that I consider as "Highlights".

If you'd like to know more details about me then feel free to have a look at any of the following.

Let's do this πŸ’ͺ

Undergraduate Experience


  • Web based Ordering System from a client’s small restaurant

    This web app was for my Database and Web Programming subject in college. I am proud to say that this was made from scratch and no bootstrap or any other third party software was used. 🀯

    mitos gif


  • Web based Data Archive System project for BU-OSAS (Bicol University Office of Student Affairs and Services)

    A fun journey to have created this web app with my closest classmates as a team ❀️ I learned a lot, especially in our unique differences as an individual that would also bring us together to deliver this amazing output πŸ™


Professional Experience

Assistant Software Developer (Student Intern)

  • Web based File Management System for Bicol University Tabaco Campus during Internship

    I had a great time building this web app along with my classmates team. I learned a lot especially when it comes to interacting and working together as a team. Being able to work together with each other's respective role πŸ‘Œ

    butc fms

Thesis Project β˜•πŸ“šπŸ“–βœ

  • Desktop Application tool for Fraud Detection of Job Postings with the Implementation of Machine Learning (Natural Language Processing)

    Being able to finish this project and finally having that relief of Graduating in college after so many struggles as an irregular student. During this phase, I learned a lot. Be patient and keep on going. ❀️ Very thankful to have my team by my side ❀️

    jobfraud thesis portfolio


  • GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool that scrapes products from ebay.com.au

    This tool scrapes data from ebay.com.au search results. My client wanted to scrape data based from a query. To be more specific he wanted to scrape Watches βŒšπŸ˜… I was just a beginner during this moment so this project was a stepping stone for me to improve my web scrapers and applications.

    ebay au scraper

  • Web Scraping bots to scrape data from websites (e.g., airbnb.com, aliexpress.com and ebay.com)

    Here are some of the web scraper bots that I have created.


Software Developer

  • Application program to generate (Anki) apkg files using Google Docs (via Google Docs API) and send via email

    Application name: Anki Express

    Personally before working with other companies after Speakda. I'd say this was the most stressing but at the same time BEST software that I have ever built. In all honesty, I had no idea how to even do this from the start. I had no idea with Anki and even with Google Docs API. But that's where the determination and patience kicks in. For some reason I was able to do it, I studied all the components necessary for this software to work (especially how Anki was designed programmatically) (I had to learn it's software architecture in order to generate and copy its features to create our own product). I am very proud of this, I'd say a TOP 1 of my highlights.

    A small example on how it works would be that the user would input something like this via Google Docs.


    and the program would generate an output similar to this one.


    A more structured and detailed inputs would be like:



    The .apkg file would then be sent to the client/user via email.


  • Application program to extract and read (Anki) apkg files data to perform data analysis and import the results programmatically to Google Spreadsheet (via Google Sheets API)

    Application name: Mass Anki Deck Analyzer

    This one also was one of the most intense project's I've created. I had to learn the programming architecture of Anki in order for this project to be successful.

    An example output of the program would be like this in a Google Sheet thanks to the Google Sheet API.


    The python application is deployed as a cronjob in a server.


  • Desktop Application tool that analyzes large XML data and performs Google Translation via Google Translation API

    Application name: 2000 Sentences Selector Tool

    I had a very fun time building this project. I would say it was the most fun I had. Learning more about the PyQT framework to build GUI Application tools. It was absolutely amazing and I am very much proud of this as well.


    This was the part that Google Translation API was implemented. To translate sentences from based from different languages.


Scraper Developer

  • Python web crawler applications, deployed as cronjobs to keep track of the latest trends of ecommerce products

    I enjoyed creating these web crawlers during my time here. It was very challenging. Bypassing the captchas and other security features by the websites being scraped. I had to implement different techniques (proxy rotation, cookies, retries) to achieve the tasks. I learned a lot and very much thankful for this.


    Python applications deployed as cronjobs. Will run on the time set.


  • Desktop Application tool that creates an interface for users to work on with their Google Ads (with the implementation of Google Ads API)

    This project makes use of Google Ads API. The main purpose of this project was for the user to take control of the internal features from within a Google Ads account. Example is to optimize the creation of many add groups , keywords and assign their respective product IDs. This tool would just allow the user to upload a csv file containing a list of values then the API would add them easily. I had a great time working with this project. I learned something new especially with Google Ads.

    google ads tool

  • Desktop Application tool that resembles Google’s Natural Language API (with the implementation of Cloud Natural Language API)

    This project was a lot of fun as well. I learned a lot with Google's Natural Language API. I should have known about this API during my Thesis, it would have been really helpful but still I am grateful to the learnings I had from this project.


Software Developer

  • News Site Scraper project for scraping news articles data in sitemaps XML and RSS/Atom feeds (with the implementation of Machine Learning)

  • Python program that uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) CDK (Cloud Development Kit) to create the infrastructure for deploying AWS resources such as CloudFormation, Lambda Functions, APIs, VPC, S3 Bucket and more.