
Headless JDownloader 2 Docker Container

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Build Status

Supported tags

Running the container

  1. Become root if your user is not part of the docker group:

    sudo su
  2. Create a folder on your host for the configuration files (eg. sudo mkdir /config/jd2)

  3. Run the container:

    docker run -d --name jd2 \
        -e EMAIL=my@mail.com -e PASSWORD=my_secret_password
        -v /config/jd2:/opt/JDownloader/cfg \
        -v /home/user/Downloads:/opt/JDownloader/Downloads \

If you don't want to specify your credentials on the command line, remove them from the command above (-e EMAIL=... -e PASSWORD=...) and add them manually to the file<config-dir>/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json as in

{ "email" : "my@mail.com", "password" : "my_secret_password" }

Optional environment variables

Environment Variable Description
EMAIL The MyJDownloader account e-mail. Is written automatically to config-file, if set.
PASSWORD The MyJDownloader account password. Is written automatically to config-file, if set.
UID Specifies the UID the daemon should run as. All created files will be owned by this UID. Defaults to 1000.
GID Specifies the GID for all created files. This only works in combination with the UID. Defaults to 100 for users.

Not setting UID / GID will default to 1000:100.