
A demo application of GelSight Mobile Async API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



A demo application of the GelSight Mobile Async API v3.8.78.0.


Describe the GelSight Mobile (GSM) Async API for external software developers.

Use Cases

The API is developed for two main use cases:

  • Automation
  • Extension of manual use of GSM


Enable the integration of GSM (GelSight Mobile) into a fully automated workflow where GSM and a GelSight sensor are controlled components in a robotic system. The intended scenario is in-line inspection in a manufacturing setup. Possible other components in the system could be a robot holding the GelSight sensor and maybe another robot that controls a conveyor belt where manufactured parts are inspected and then pushed forward.

From a system perspective, GSM and the sensor are considered components, and not the entity in charge of the manufacturing operation. The Async API is designed with that mindset.

Given that most operations in GSM are orders of magnitude longer than control loop operations like moving a robot and monitoring the move, the chosen service provider methodology is that of an event-based system, where the controlling entity subscribes to relevant events and subsequently orders GSM to start working on completing different tasks, where the success/failure is reported back as events. This methodology has the added benefit of allowing human interaction with the workflow, e.g. allowing a human to press the scan button and then use the event raised at completion of a scan to trigger the next operations managed by the controlling entity.

Extension of manual use of GSM

The GSM Async API will raise events to an external app each time an analysis method is completed and saved by GSM. This will be a rich event that contains all outputs and inputs for this analysis method. Reporting this data to an external app enables the application developer to develop custom logic that incorporates the results of multiple scans. It also allows the program logic to take input from other systems such as an ERP/SAP system or other customized workflow software used by the customer.

Some customers may have a desire to automatically forward results generated by GSM into their existing data systems. Prior to the API, this was only possible by manually transferring results from GSM into the customers own system. By writing a simple external app that integrates the GelSight Async DLL, the app will receive events with the results of any analysis. The developer can then easily decide which section of the outputs will be transferred to their own data system, either automatically or via customized UI.

Some customers need to trigger the scan based on their own workflow but perform the analysis inside GSM. This could be using a hardware foot pedal to trigger a scan or maybe some other software system that needs to trigger a scan. Using the API, a single line of code can be written to trigger a scan. It is even possible to instruct GSM what to name the scan and where to store it, e.g. on a shared network drive.


The GelSight Async API is delivered as a .NET DLL. The DLL can be linked into multiple programming languages as long as .NET Standard 2.0 or later is installed on the computer. The HelloWorld sample app includes WPF UI. For that to show .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later is needed.

The operating system supported is Microsoft Windows 11. Microsoft Windows 10 is supported until October 14, 2025.

The API requires a licensed GelSight Mobile to be installed.

The API communicates with GelSight Mobile via a TCP socket connection. This means the application developer has the choice of running the custom app with the DLL on the same computer as GSM or on a networked computer.

Getting Started

To enable API developers a quick and easy start, an open-source Visual Studio sample project has been developed with a “Hello World” application. The Hello World application is only about 300 lines of code that demonstrate all key functions of the API.

The sample is written in C#, but using simple structures so that non-C# developers can easily test the behavior and follow the logic.

  1. Install Visual Studio 2022 Community and select “.NET desktop development” which enable WPF desktop apps.
  2. Install and license GelSight Mobile 3.8 or later.
  3. Enable the API Server in GSM Configure→System→API.
  4. Download the GelSight Async API from the GelSight sdkdemo repo on GitHub.
  5. Load and run the Visual studio project “GelSight.Api.HelloWorld.csproj”.


The following actions can be requested by the application developer via the DLL. Details of the parameters and data structures are documented in the sample code.

NOTE: Value types with a ‘?’ are nullable in C#.

Name Properties Description
  • ScanPath [string?]
  • ScanPrefixName [string?]
In GSM, the scan folder is created based on the following properties managed via the GSM UI.

  • Library Location (in this example “Scans”)
  • Current Set (in this example “New Scans”)
  • Name (in this example “Anders”)
The scan folder is created as a subfolder in <Library Location>. The scan folder is named <Name><enumerator>.

The parameters of this method are,

  • ScanPath, which is used to replace <Library Location>/<Current Set>.
  • ScanPrefixName, which is used to replace the name field in the lower left corner of the GSM user interface.
The final name for the scan will be generated by GSM based on enumeration of the existing scan names in order to not create duplicate scan folders.

If either the ScanPath or ScanPrefixName string is an empty string or null, then the scan will be saved using the current UI settings described above.
  • ScanFolder [string]
  • AnalysisName [string]
The ScanFolder parameter is the path to the scan data to be used by the analysis. The name of the analysis to run on the scan, is defined by the AnalysisName parameter. If the analysis name is incorrect or refers to an unlicensed analysis type, then the ErrorMessageReceived event will be raised by the ConnectionManager.

This setup will support variants as well, so a GSM admin can create a variant of a baseline analysis method, modify the parameters, e.g. Pass/Fail to their needs and then make it available to the API. The client simply needs to pass the name of the variant analysis in the AnalysisName parameter.

After running the analysis, the result is automatically saved and the ConnectionManager will raise the AnalysisSaved event.

Critical note
If the scan is already displayed in the “Analyze” view in GSM, any changes made by the user will be saved without notifying the user.
  • Active [bool?]
This request will only change the live view status if a device is currently connected, and it is possible to navigate to the Capture view.

Setting the Active parameter to false will turn the camera off to save power. Setting the Active parameter to true will navigate GSM to the Capture view and turn the camera on. Setting the Active parameter to null will have the same effect as setting it to true.

NOTE: GSM can never guarantee a change to live view as multiple conditions could prohibit this from taking place, for example:
  • A scan is left open with changes in GSM. The user would need to save before a change can be made.
  • The sensor is disconnected.
  • The gel is not calibrated.
  • Other system error conditions like out of disk space, etc.
  • ScanFolder [string]
GSM will attempt to send the folder passed in by the ScanFolder parameter to the Windows Recycle bin. The ScanDeleted event will then be raised with the result.
  • ScanFolder [string]
  • Align [bool?]
  • Detrend [bool?]
  • Replica [bool?]
  • Detrend Order [int?] (1-4)
GSM refers to the 3D model of the surface as a “heightmap”. On disk this data is saved in a tmd file, which is a binary file containing the Z height value of each data point on the surface.

GSM will raise the HeightmapStarted and the HeightmapCompleted events to notify the client the status of the height map creation.

Setting the Align parameter to true will run the ‘Auto-Align Images’ algorithm when creating the heightmap. Setting the Align parameter to false will not run the ‘Auto-Align Images’ algorithm when creating the heightmap.

Setting the Detrend parameter to true will run the ‘Form Removal’ algorithm when creating the heightmap. Setting the Detrend parameter to false will not run the ‘Form Removal’ algorithm when creating the heightmap.

Setting the Replica parameter to true will run the ‘Replica Transform’ algorithm when creating the heightmap. Setting the Replica parameter to false will not run the ‘Replica Transform’ algorithm when creating the heightmap.

Setting the Replica, Detrend, or Replica parameter to null will honor the GSM setting for this option as shown in the image below.


The following properties are promised to be in sync with the GelSight Mobile software and the hardware.

NOTE: Value types with a ‘?’ are nullable in C#.

Name Properties / Type Description
  • IsSensorPresent [bool]
  • IsSensorLive [bool]
  • IsScanPossible [bool]
  • Model [string?]
  • DisplaySerial [string?]
  • Serial [string?]
  • Configuration [string?]
  • FirmwareVersion [string?]
  • NumberOfChannels [int?]
  • ImageWidth [int?]
  • ImageHeight [int?]
The nullable properties (the ones with '?') will be null prior to a connection being established.
Firmware: only present for S2 sensors.
ImageWidth/ImageHeight: pixels
  • Serial [string?]
  • Type [string?]
  • UseBy [DateTime?]
Will contain null values until connected and data received from GSM
IsConnected [bool] Readonly
Port [ushort] Read: anytime
Write: prior to attempting a connection
Host [string] Read: anytime
Write: prior to attempting a connection
Password [string] Read: anytime
Write: prior to attempting a connection


The Client DLL’s ConnectionManager will raise the following events when state changes in GSM. For more information, please refer to the Hello World sample project on GitHub.

Name Properties Description
  • ConnectionState
This event is raised when the GSM connection state has changed. The possible connection states are:

  • Not Started
  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Connected And Validated
  • Disposing
  • Validation Failed
  • Version Mismatch
  • IsSensorPresent [bool]
  • IsSensorLive [bool]
  • IsScanPossible [bool]
  • Model [string?]
  • Serial [string?]
  • Configuration [string?] FirmwareVersion [string?]
  • NumberOfChannels [int?] ImageWidth [int?] ImageHeight [int?]
This event is raised when,
  • A sensor is connected or disconnected.
  • Entering or leaving the GSM live view..
  • The sensor ability to make a capture has changed..
Note that some of the properties can be null if their data is not defined. For example, the Serial parameter is an empty string when IsSensorPresent is false.
  • Serial [string?]
  • Type [string?]
  • UseBy [DateTime?]
The event is raised when a gel is changed. Notice that only the Serial property is guaranteed to have a valid string.
  • ScanFolder [string]
  • ScanMetaData [string]
The event is raised when a scan is completed and all files have been saved to the scan folder.

The ScanFolder parameter is the folder where GSM has saved all files related to the scan.

The ScanMetaData parameter is the content of the yaml file formatted as a JSON string. Refer to the ScanCompleted Event JSON section later in this document for more information.
  • ScanFolder [string]
The event is raised when 3D generation of scan data is started.
  • ScanFolder [string]
  • Success [bool]
The event is raised when 3D generation of scan data is completed and has been saved to the file system.
  • ScanFolder [string]
  • Success [bool] Results [string] (json formatted) ErrorMsg [string] RequestId [int]
The event is raised when an analysis of a scan has been saved to the file system.

The ScanFolder parameter is the folder where GSM saved all files related to the scan.

The Success parameter indicates if the requested analysis was successful.

The Results parameter is the contents of the scancontext.yaml file formatted as a JSON string. It contains the user created shapes as well as user inputs and generated outputs of all analysis methods run on this scan.

The API caller will be able to retrieve PASS/FAIL information directly from the Results JSON string.

The ErrorMsg parameter contains a string with information regarding why an analysis failed to run.

The RequestId is the id of the client message used to initiate the analysis. It may be 0 if the analysis was not initiated remotely.
  • ScanFolder [string]
  • Success [bool]
This event is raised after the TryDeleteScan request is made or if the user deletes a scan in GSM. The Success parameter represents if the deletion operation succeeded or failed.

NOTE: If a scan is deleted outside of GSM, such as in Windows Explorer for example, the API will not raise this event.
  • ErrorMessage [string]
  • RequestId [int]
This event is raised if an error occurs in GSM while,

  • Capturing a scan.
  • Creating a heightmap.
  • Running an analysis method.
  • A hardware error has occurred.
The RequestId is the id of the client action that was being processed. It may be 0 if the operation was not initiated by the Client program.

ScanCompleted Event

The ScanMetaData parameter in the ScanCompleted event contains JSON formatted data from the scan.yaml file located in the newly captured scan’s folder on disk. It is recommended to use the free C# Newtonsoft Json.NET library to help parse this information, but the API developer is free to use any method that they choose.

The JSON string does contain some replication of data.

Header Example Comment
version 2.0 Version of the json structure
guid dd773e2f-e0f7-4dbc-94c9-350b7de4e28c Unique Id
createdon 2023-07-19 10:42:21 Date/time of scan capture
mmperpixel 0.0069981396828 Resolution of heightmap and images [mm per pixel]
sdkversion 3.8.0 Version of internal GSM math library used in analysis methods
crop (0, 0, 0, 0) If image alignment is enabled, the captured scan will be cropped to a smaller size that fits a rectangle. The unit for crop: [pixel]
scanwidth Width of scan [pixel]
scanheight Height of scan [pixels]
  • image01.png
  • image02.png
  • image03.png
  • image04.png
  • image05.png
  • image06.png
Array with list of filenames for 2D images captured for this scan. Most sensors have 6 images.
activeheightmap scan05.tmd Filename for the heightmap data file. The heightmap is an internally used 3D file. It is structured similarly to the 2D image files, but the pixel location does not represent an intensity as in the 2D files, instead the pixel value represents the Z height [mm] at the given XY location.
activenormalmap scan05_nrm.png Filename for normal map. The normal map is an internally used file. It is structured the same way as the 2D image files, but the pixel location does not represent a brightness level like in the 2D files, instead the pixel value represents the surface normal at the given XY location
calib C:\Users\Public\Documents\GelSight\Scans\scan05\Calib-2A3F-2JTC_20230606_1413.yaml Path and filename for calibration data
aligned false Alignment status (bool)
cameratostage Obsolete
calibration.date 2023-06-06 14:14:12 Date of calibration
calibration.username TABLET-BTIUPLFS\GelSight Windows username of the account used at time of calibration
camera.cameraid CIMAF2239054 Camera (device) serial number
camera.cameratype Ximea Camera vendor
camera.gelid 2A3F-2JTC Gel serial number
camera.lensfocuspos -201.95 Focus setting NOTE: only present on sensors that support autofocus
camera.shutter 0.689 Shutterspeed [ms]
device.deviceconfigid 3 Unique id of the device model
device.devicefirmware 412 Firmware of the device NOTE: not present on all sensor models
device.devicemodel Series 2 Text description of the sensor class
device.devicetemp 50.4 Camera temperature [celcius]NOTE: not present on all sensor models
device.devicetype 0.5X 5 MP Text description of the sensor model (one sensor model can have multiple device types)
device.serialnumber CIMAF2239054 Camera (device) serial number
metadata.appname GelSight.Mobile Sensor software interface text description
metadata.appversion GSM version used to capture the scan
metadata.gelid 2A3F-2JTC Gel serial number
metadata.gelusecount 39 The number of scans taken with this gel
metadata.replica false Is replica enabled? [bool]
metadata.sdkversion GSM version used to capture the scan
metadata.username TABLET-BTIUPLFS\GelSight Windows username of the account used at time of calibration
metadata.detrended false Is form removal (detrending) enabled? [bool]
metadata.detrendorder 2 The order of detrending (only valid if ‘detrended’ is ‘true’)

AnalysisSaved Event

The Results parameter in the AnalysisSaved event contains JSON formatted data from the scancontext.yaml file located in the subfolder “analysis” inside the captured scan’s folder on disk. It is recommended to use the free C# Newtonsoft Json.NET library to help parse this information, but the API developer is free to use any method that they choose.

The JSON string contains two arrays.

The “shapes” contain an entry for each user-created shape drawn on the scan.

The “routines” contain an entry for each analysis method that the user has saved for this scan.


Shapes are defined in a coordinate system that has (0,0) located in the TopLeft corner of a scan.

Each shape has the following shared properties.

Header Example Comment
id 102750541 Unique id referring to this instance of shape [int]


Header Example Comment
type Rectangle Internal string reference to the type of shape [string]
name Rectangle User facing name of the shape [string]
x 1216.79012346 X position of TopLeft corner [pixel]
y 313.32345679 Yposition of TopLeft corner [pixel]
w 562.765432099 Width of rectangle [pixel]
h 1219.83209877 Height of rectangle [pixel]
rotation 0 Rotation [degree]


Header Example Comment
type Ruler Internal string reference to the type of shape [string]
name Ruler User facing name of the shape [string]
x1 1216.79012346 X position of first point of ruler [pixel]
y1 313.32345679 Y position of first point ofruler [pixel]
x2 562.765432099 X position of second point ofruler [pixel]
y2 1219.83209877 Y position of second point ofruler [pixel]


Header Example Comment
type Line Internal string reference to the type of shape [string]
name Line User facing name of the shape [string]
x1 1216.79012346 X position of first point of line [pixel]
y1 313.32345679 Y position of first point of line [pixel]
x2 562.765432099 X position of second point of line [pixel]
y2 1219.83209877 Y position of second point of line [pixel]


Header Example Comment
type Circle Internal string reference to the type of shape [string]
name Circle User facing name of the shape [string]
x 1216.79012346 X position of center [pixel]
y 313.32345679 Y position of center [pixel]
r 562.765432099 radius [pixel]


Header Example Comment
type PolyLine Internal string reference to the type of shape [string]
name PolyLine User facing name of the shape [string]
points[] [(66.2933631391, 1300.69689919), (2348.81804603, 1367.46178936), (62.1205575031, 2001.72824603)] Array of X/Y position of each point in the PolyLine [pixel]
closed true true: polygonfalse: polyline


Some routines will allow the user to draw one or more shapes and use them as input to the routine. If so, those inputs are referred to as shapeid which is referencing the array of “shapes”. One example is offset which requires a user drawn line as the shape input.

Some of the routines create a PNG output file that is rendered on top of the scan for visualization of the results. The filename is an output parameter from the routine, but to avoid overlap with other routines, each routine will get its own subfolder with the following naming convention: <scan_folder>/analysis/io_<routine_id>. Example is shown below for a scan named “NNK”.

ABS 1781

Header Example Comment
type FastenerABS1781 Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1458553698 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name ABS 1781 User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 8.75 Input: diameter [mm]
flushoffset 0.5 Input: Flushness offset [mm]
flushminlim -0.08 Input: Flushness Min Limit [mm]
flushmaxlim 0.1 Input: Flushness Max Limit [mm]
headdishmin 0.158 Output: Head Dishing Min [mm]
perpendicularity 1.97412801048 Output: Perpendicularity [degree]
flushcircle (1811.29474823, 753.969925059, 524.440141531) Output: location of circle (X,Y,Radius) [pixel]
flushminpt (1291, 826) Output: Location of min point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
flushmaxpt (1291, 826) Output: Location of max point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on scan overlay
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
passfail false Output: was routine able to run, i.e. was enough inputs provided to allow a run [bool]
meta_passedanalysis false Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_failurereason Pass value is False. Required value is True Output: text description of pass/fail result [string]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

ABS 2322

Header Example Comment
type FastenerABS2322 Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 176253893 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name ABS 2322 User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids[] Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 6.76 Input: diameter [mm]
corediameter 4.7 Input: core diameter [mm]
coreminlim -0.1 Input: Break-Off Min Limit [mm]
coremaxlim 0.1 Input: Break-Off Max Limit [mm]
flushoffset 0.5 Input: Flushness offset [mm]
flushminlim -0.08 Input: Flushness Min Limit [mm]
flushmaxlim 0.1 Input: Flushness Max Limit [mm]
flushmin -0.0752567052841 Output: Flushness Min [mm]
flushmax 0.0198004096746 Output: Flushness Max [mm]
coremin -0.654451012611 Output: Break-off Min [mm]
coremax 0.0789419040084 Output: Break-off Max [mm]
perpendicularity 0.852393517214 Output: Perpendicularity [degree]
flushminpt (1663, 1067) Output: Location of flush min point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
flushmaxpt (944, 511) Output: Location of flush max point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on scan overlay
coreminpt (1403, 682) Output: Location of core min point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
coremaxpt (1131, 534) Output: Location of core max point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on scan overlay
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
meta_passedanalysis true Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_failurereason Output: text description of pass/fail result [string]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Defect Detection

Header Example Comment
type DefectDetection Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1027624229 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Defect Detection User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids[] Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
scratchtype36 2 Input: Scratch type [enum]1=narrow2=wide3=large
autothreshold true Input: automatic set threshold [bool] (hidden in UI)
depththreshold 0.005 Input: depth threshold [mm] (hidden in UI)
levelwidth 0.35 Input: levelling width [mm] (hidden in UI)
leveldiscardwidth 0.2 Input: Level Discard Width [mm]
levelregions '[(0, 0.35087546203, None), (1.26590362772, 1.60989917873, None)]' Input: Array of leveling regions. Each entry has the following properties- Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- End (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- Type (None/Max/Min), will always be None for level regions
primaryshapeid 0 Input: Reference to the shapeID used as input. 0=no shape input
debug false Internal use
length 3.37853770121 mm Output: Length of defect [string]
width 1.27010051581 mm Output: width of defect [string]
area 1.10270439261 mm3 Output: area of defect [string]
depth 0.23071826702 mm Output: depth of defect [string]
point (1687.88679927, 768.239506643) Output: Location of deepest point (x,y) [pixel]
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
profile '[(0, -0.0037239978619), …… 0.0182266798741)]' Output: Array of points in the profile. Each point in the profile is organized as (X,Y) [mm]
minpt (0.67423127998, -0.23071826702) Output: The location and value of the lowest point in the profile (X,Y) [mm]
plot '[(0.0206397330606, …… -0.109643088634)]' Output: Array of points in the ‘plot’ profile. Each point in the profile is organized as (X,Y) [mm]
profilelines '[(1300.97348203, …. 873.307388357)]' Output: Array of 5 lines to be rendered on the scan overlay. They define the area of the defect and the profile line. Each line is defined by (x, y, width, length) [pixel]
meta_passedanalysis true Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_failurereason Output: text description of pass/fail result [string]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine


Header Example Comment
type Fastener Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1141094187 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Fastener User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids[] Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 8 Input: diameter [mm]
flushoffset 0.5 Input: Flushness offset [mm]
flushminlim -0.08 Input: Flushness Min Limit [mm]
flushmaxlim 0.1 Input: Flushness Max Limit [mm]
refsurfdist 1 Input: [mm] Range: 0 to 5.0, Default: 1.0
refsurfwidth 3 Input: [mm] Range: 0.5 to 5.0, Default: 3.0
flushmin -0.146005272865 Output: Flushness Min [mm]
flushmax 0.161588162184 Output: Flushness Max [mm]
headdishmin -0.111065380275 Output: Head Dishing Min [mm]
perpendicularity 2.51877608606 Output: Perpendicularity [degree]
flushcircle (1794.50996421, 751.757145099, 504.849922529) Output: Location of flush circle (CenterX,CenterY, Radius) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
flushminpt (1299, 853) Output: Location of flush min point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
flushmaxpt (2253, 540) Output: Location of flush max point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on scan overlay
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
passfail false Output: was routine able to run, i.e. was enough inputs provided to allow a run [bool]
meta_passedanalysis false Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_failurereason Pass value is False. Required value is True. Output: text description of pass/fail result [string]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Fillet Relief

Header Example Comment
type FilletRelief Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 82555208 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Fillet Relief User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 5 Input: diameter [mm]
mindeburr 0.2 Input: Min Deburr Width [mm]
minfillet 0.6 Input: Min Fillet Relief [mm]
minwidth -0.46407 Output: Min Width [mm]
maxwidth -0.31861 Output: Max Width [mm]
minheight -0.30142 Output: Min Height [mm]
maxheight -0.01676 Output: MaxHeight [mm]
holestate Fillet Relief Output: Hole State [string]
innercircle (1437.23219534, 810.470397303, 369.359957758) Output: Location of innercircle (CenterX,CenterY, Radius) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
minline (1345.01283861, 447.818991122, 1361.7876679, 513.152637655) Output: Location of min line (X1, Y1, X2, Y2) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
maxline (1391.81149212, 1176.64030064, 1397.61578418, 1130.69459793) Output: Location of max line (X1, Y1, X2, Y2) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
minpt (1380.59772401, 508.94809197) Output: Location of min point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
maxpt (1126.70609124, 849.659906008) Output: Location of max point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Hole Diameter

Header Example Comment
type HoleByEdge Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 130343849 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Hole Diameter User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
edgesearch 0.6 Input: Edge Search Percentage
regionmode top Input: Region Model (top/bottom) [enum]
nominaldiameter 5.4 Input: Nominal Diameter [mm]
diameter 7.07919649057 mm Output: Diameter [string]
circularity 0.109889499366 mm Output: Circularity [string]
circle (1065.74334886, 747.556295914, 514.483133639) Output: Location of circle (CenterX, CenterY, Radius) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
minpt (1560, 647) Output: Location of min point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
maxpt (1578, 839) Output: Location of max point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

LGP EN6100

Header Example Comment
type FastenerLGPEN6100 Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1906895773 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name LGP EN6100 User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 6.6 Input: diameter [mm]
flushoffset 0.5 Input: Flushness offset [mm]
flushminlim -0.08 Input: Flushness Min Limit [mm]
flushmaxlim 0.1 Input: Flushness Max Limit [mm]
flushmin -0.39892 Output: Flushenss Min [mm]
flushmax 0.08389 Output: Flushenss Max [mm]
headdishmin -nan(ind) Output: Head dishing Min [mm]
perpendicularity 4.981434 Output: Perpendicularity [degree]
flushcircle (1253.21141275, 865.579579818, 402.257984959) Output: Location of flush circle (CenterX,CenterY, Radius) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
flushminpt (1641, 758) Output: Location of flush min point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
flushmaxpt (867, 981) Output: Location of flush max point (X,Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on scan overlay
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
passfail false Output: was routine able to run, i.e. was enough inputs provided to allow a run [bool]
meta_passedanalysis False Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_failurereason Pass value is False. Required value is True. Output: text description of pass/fail result [string]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

LGP EN6114

Header Example Comment
type FastenerLGPEN6114 Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 254661182 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name LGP EN6114 User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 8.75 Input: diameter [mm]
flushoffset 0.5 Input: Flushness offset [mm]
flushminlim -0.08 Input: Flushness Min Limit [mm]
flushmaxlim 0.1 Input: Flushness Max Limit [mm]
flushmin -0.0931385 Output: Flushenss Min [mm]
flushmax 0.15830711 Output: Flushenss Max [mm]
headdishmin -0.1037149 Output: Head dishing Min [mm]
perpendicularity 1.97412801 Output: Perpendicularity [degree]
flushcircle (1811.29474823, 753.969925059, 524.440141531) Output: Location of flush circle (CenterX, CenterY, Radius) [pixel]. Rendered in UI
flushminpt (1291, 826) Output: Location of flush min point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
flushmaxpt (2279, 516) Output: Location of flush max point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on scan overlay
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
passfail false Output: was routine able to run, i.e. was enough inputs provided to allow a run [bool]
meta_passedanalysis False Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_failurereason Pass value is False. Required value is True. Output: text description of pass/fail result [string]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine


Header Example Comment
type Offset Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 2116715901 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Offset User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
levelorder 0 Input: Form removal / levelling order [0,1,2,3,4]
levelregions '[]' Input: Array of leveling regions. Each entry has the following properties- Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- End (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- Type (None/Max/Min/Mean), will always be None for level regions
numprofiles 1 Input: Number of profiles [int]NOTE: this must be an odd number: 1/3/5/7 etc.
profilewidth 0.2 Input: Profile Width [mm]
reintegrate false Obsolete
primaryshapeid 1205877184 Input: Reference to the shape used in the routine. It must be a line
offsetregion1 (3.96097276059, 4.06253616471, Mean) Input: Bottom region- Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- End (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- Type (Mean/Max/Min)
offsetregion2 (2.09811776797, 2.30124457621, Mean) Input: Top region- Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- End (referring to position on profile line) [mm]- Type (Mean/Max/Min)
debug false internal
offset 0.40064612 Output: offset [mm]
width 1.81473697 Output: width [mm]
profile '[(0, 0.026422787106), ..... , -0.369323686395)]' Output: Array of points in the profile. Each point in the profile is organized as (X,Y) [mm]
region1 '[(3.96630011343, -0.344152654986), …. , (4.06253616471, -0.369323686395)]' Output: Array of points of the section of the profile that is covered by region1 (bottom). Each point in is organized as (X,Y) [mm]
region1pt (4.01441813907, -0.356764410628) Output: Location of bottom point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on profile
point1 (1256.91977285, 849.440800471) Output: Location of bottom point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on scan overlay
region2 '[(2.10344512081, 0.0424179539838), …. , 0.0416897666568)]' Output: Array of points of the section of the profile that is covered by region2 (top). Each point in is organized as (X,Y) [mm]
region2pt (2.19968117209, 0.043881712457) Output: Location of top point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on profile
point2 (994.096567835, 827.072868129) Output: Location of top point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue red on scan overlay
profilelines '[(675.522985995, 799.960222866, 1263.88858067, 850.033890498)]' Output: Array of lines that can be rendered in the UI on top of the scan. Each line represent a profile line. The number of entries will be controlled by numprofiles.Each line defined as (x1, y1, x2, y2) [pixel]
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Particle Detection

Header Example Comment
type ParticleDetection Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 888001878 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Particle Detection User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
particledirection Peaks Input: Particle Type (Peaks/Pits) [enum]
featuresize 0.125 Input: Nominal Feature Size [mm]
clippingdistance 0.003 Input: Clipping Plane Distance [mm]
minamplitude 0.003 Input: Min Particle Amplitude [mm]
maxamplitude 2 Input: Max Particle Amplitude [mm]
minarticlediameter 0 Input: Min Particle Diameter [mm]
maxparticlediameter 10 Input: Max ParticleDiameter [mm]
primaryshapeid 0 Input: reference to shape set to limit ROI0=no shape input
particlecount 1136 Output: Number of Particles [int ]
particlecountperarea 473749.62 Output: Number of Particles (Scaled) [int ]
coverage 0.07565559 Output: Coverage [%]
analyzedarea 239.789110491 mm2 Output: Analyzed Area [mm2]
smallestdiameter 0.01097875 Output: Particle Minimum [mm]
largestdiameter 3.60360622 Output: Particle Maximum [mm]
maxparticleamplitude 0.33044797 Output: Max Particle Amplitude [mm]
cleanlinessscore 1001 Output: Cleanliness Score [int]
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
maxpt (1299, 344) Output: Center Location of max point (X, Y) [pixels]
report Output: The table header and all rows of the “report” tab in GSM is represented in a JSON data structure. The format is self explanatory if viewed in a debugger along with the GSM table output.
cc1246ereport Output: The table header and all rows of the “CC1246E Report” tab in GSM is represented in a JSON data structure. The format is self explanatory if viewed in a debugger along with the GSM table output.
cc1246ehistogram Output: The table header and all rows of the “CC1246E Histogram” tab in GSM is represented in a JSON data structure. The format is self explanatory if viewed in a debugger along with the GSM table output.
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Pit Detection

Header Example Comment
type PitDetection Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 496638582 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Pit Detection User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
featuresize 0.125 Input: Nominal Feature Size [mm]
depththreshold 0.003 Input: Clipping Plane Distance [mm]
mindepth 0.003 Input: Min Particle Amplitude [mm]
maxdepth 2 Input: Max Particle Amplitude [mm]
minpitdiameter 0 Input: Min Particle Diameter [mm]
maxpitdiameter 10 Input: Max ParticleDiameter [mm]
primaryshapeid 0 Input: reference to shape set to limit ROI0=no shape input
pitcount 2103 Output: Number of Particles [int ]
coverage 0.05875127 Output: Coverage [%]
smallestdiameter 0.01097875 Output: Particle Minimum [mm]
largestdiameter 3.04545045 Output: Particle Maximum [mm]
maxpitdepth 0.51647782 Output: Max Particle Amplitude [mm]
nominaldiameter 0.125 Output: Nominal Feature Size [mm]NOTE: this is a replication of the input
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
minpt (1401, 678) Output: Center Location of deepest pit (X, Y) [pixels]
report Output: The table header and all rows of the “Report” tab in GSM is represented in a JSON data structure. The format is self explanatory if viewed in a debugger along with the GSM table output.
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Profile Geometry

Header Example Comment
type ProfileGeometry Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1857757578 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Profile Geometry User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
levelorder 0 Input: Form removal / levelling order [0,1,2,3,4]
levelregions '[]' Input: Array of leveling regions. Each entry has the following properties: Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm] End (referring to position on profile line) [mm] Type (None/Max/Min/Mean), will always be None for level regions
region (1.74037925428, 5.22113776283, None) Input: region Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm] End (referring to position on profile line) [mm] Type (None)
primaryshapeid 1182189484 Input: Reference to the shape used in the routine. It must be a line
x1 1.74037925 Output: X1 [mm]
z1 0.04892514 Output: Z1 [mm]
x2 5.22113776 Output: X2 [mm]
z2 -0.4751283 Output: Z2 [mm]
distancex 3.48075851 Output: Distance X1-X2 [mm]
distancez 0.52405349 Output: Distance Z1-Z2 [mm]
distancexz 3.51998748 Output: Distance 1-2 [mm]
slope 0.15055727 Output: Slope (0-1) [%]
angle 8.56198947 Output: Angle [degrees]
lsslope 0.19144595 Output: LS Slope (0-1) [%]
lsangle 10.8379063 Output: LS Angle [degrees]
radius 3.71729561 Output: Radius [mm]
region1pt (1.74037925428, 0.0489251445335) Output: Location of left most point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as blue dot on profile
region2pt (5.22113776283, -0.475128341615) Output: Location of right most point (X, Y) [pixel]. Rendered in UI as red dot on profile
xdistanceline (1.74037925428, -0.475128341615, 5.22113776283, -0.475128341615) Output: Location of horizontal X distance line on profile (x1, y1, x2, y2) [mm]. Rendered in UI as line on profile
zdistanceline (1.74037925428, 0.0489251445335, 1.74037925428, -0.475128341615) Output: Location of vertical Z distance line on profile (x1, y1, x2, y2) [mm]]. Rendered in UI as line on profile
slopeline (1.74037925428, 0.0489251445335, 5.22113776283, -0.475128341615) Output: Location of diagonal line representing slope on profile (x1, y1, x2, y2) [mm]]. Rendered in UI as line on profile
lsslopeline (1.74037925428, -0.0572237745789, 5.22113776283, -0.723600909066) Output: Location of diagonal line representing least square slope on profile (x1, y1, x2, y2) [mm]]. Rendered in UI as line on profile
circle (4.1251441316, 3.11708773989, 3.71729561006) Output: Location of circle representing radius on profile (CenterX, CenterY, Radius) [mm]]. Rendered in UI as circle on profile
profile '[(0, 0.0431844494982), (0.00687896938449, …., (0.041273816307, 0.0405447581414)] Output: Array of points of the section of the profile that is covered by the region. Each point in is organized as (X,Y) [mm]
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Profile Roughness

Header Example Comment
type Roughness Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1474910097 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Profile Roughness User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
levelorder 0 Input: Form removal / levelling order [0,1,2,3,4]
levelregions '[]' Input: Array of leveling regions. Each entry has the following properties: Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm] End (referring to position on profile line) [mm] Type (None/Max/Min/Mean), will always be None for level regions
reintegrate false Obsolete
primaryshapeid 213149554 Input: Reference to the shape used in the routine. It must be a line
lambdac 0.8 Input: Filter Cutoff lambda-c [mm]
numprofiles 1 Input: Number of profiles [int]NOTE: this must be an odd number: 1/3/5/7 etc.
profilewidth 1 Input: Profile Width [mm]
scale 1 Input: scale [double]
averageravalue 8.2036062 Output: Average Ra [um]
Ra 8.2036062 Output: Ra [um]
Rq 11.502679 Output: Rq [um]
Rp 28.2195084 Output: Rp [um]
Rv 37.1566086 Output: Rv [um]
Rz 30.5532495 Output: Rz [um]
Rt 65.376117 Output: Rt [um]
Rsk -0.3781205 Output: Rsk [um]
Rku 4.59679143 Output: Rku [um]
RSm 791.520557 Output: Rsm [um]
Rc 24.5678074 Output: Rc [um]
evaluationlength 3.63826281 Output: Evaluation Length [mm]
scalefactor 1 Output: Scale [double]. This is a replication of the input
rprofile '[(0.405779784215, 0.00052973614822), ...., (4.04404259523, 0.0202368823169)]' Output: Array of points along the profile that represent the Roughness Profile. Each point in is organized as (X, Y) [mm]
wprofile '[(0.405779784215, 0.0806891284185), …. , (4.04404259523, 0.162517905647)]' Output: Array of points along the profile that represent the Waviness Profile. Each point in is organized as (X, Y) [mm]
pprofile '[(0, 0.0138198800394), …. , (4.44982237944, 0.279243363504)]' Output: Array of points along the profile that represent the Primary Profile. Each point in is organized as (X, Y) [mm]
profilelines '[(984.310603058, 779.096194686, 1631.09547664, 779.096194686)]' Output: The line defining the trace-line, will be the same as the input shape coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) [pixels]
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine


Header Example Comment
type Radius Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 1912752174 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Radius User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
levelorder 0 internal
levelregions '[]' internal
numprofiles 1 Input: Number of profiles [int]NOTE: this must be an odd number: 1/3/5/7 etc.
profilewidth 0.2 Input: Profile Width [mm]
linearthreshold 0 internal
reintegrate false Obsolete
primaryshapeid 491633211 Input: Profile Width [mm]
region (0.86686880433, 2.60060641299, None) Input: region on profile Start (referring to position on profile line) [mm] End (referring to position on profile line) [mm] Type (None)
radius 2.83856157 Output: Radius [mm]
meanradius 2.83856157 Output: Mean Radius [mm]
minradius 2.83856157 Output: Min Radius [mm]
maxradius 2.83856157 Output: Max Radius [mm]
medianradius 2.83856157 Output: Median Radius [mm]
centerprofile '[(0, 0.0653711264391), .... , (3.45458003393, -0.580902561051)]' Output: Array of points along the profile that represent the section of the profile covered by the region. Each point in is organized as (X, Y) [mm]
profiles [] Output: Profile List List of profiles produced by the routine not including the center profile. Each profile consists of points. Each Point is the T value (distance in mm from start of line) and the Z value (distance in MM from 0)
centercircle (0.52594731328, -2.71080230828, 2.83856157236) Output: The radius on the profile represented as a circle. (CenterX, CenterY, Radius) [mm]
circles '[]' Output: Circles The circles that fit each profile in ‘profiles’. Each circle consists of a center X, center Y and radius in image pixels.
profilelines '[(963.446574878, 637.220803062, 1447.49202865, 770.750583414)]' Output: Array of lines that can be rendered in the UI on top of the scan. Each line represents a profile line. The number of entries will be controlled by numprofiles. Each line defined as (x1, y1, x2, y2) [pixel]
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine


Header Example Comment
type Scratch Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 785976931 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Scratch User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
tolerance 0.005 Input: Tolerance [mm]
filtersg 0.5 Input: Filter Sigma [mm] Default value: 0.5
polyorder 4 Input: Polynomial order [1-4]
shapeids [1156429806, 1114464821] Input: Reference to the two shapes used in the routine. All shapes must be of a closed type, i.e. no lines and no open polylines
debug false internal
minz -0.6927297 Output: Min [mm]
maxz 0.07521429 Output: Max [mm]
minpt (1403, 682) Output: Min point location (X, Y) [pixel])
maxpt (1116, 529) Output: Max point location (X, Y) [pixel]
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine


Header Example Comment
type ShotPeen Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 743275026 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Shot Peen User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
diameter 0.3 Input: Dent Diameter [mm]
depth -0.001 Input: Min Depth [mm]
expand 0.35 Input: Dent Expansion [mm]
primaryshapeid 0 Input: Reference to the shapeID used as input. 0=no shape input
coverage 0.8733317 Output: Coverage [%]
image image.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Surface Roughness

Header Example Comment
type SurfaceRoughness Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 867205822 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Surface Roughness User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
primaryshapeid 0 Input: Reference to the shape used in the routine to define ROI. It must be a closed shape0=no shape used
secondaryshapeid 0 Input: Reference to the shape used in the routine to define an exclusion area within the ROI. It must be a closed shape0=no shape used
scale 1 Input: scale [double]
formremoval None Input: Form Removal (None, Poly1, Poly2, Poly3, Poly4) [enum]
lambdac 0.8 Input: Filter Cutoff lambda-c [mm]
applyfilter true Input: Apply Filter [bool]
Sa 2.18147096 Output: Sa [um]
Sq 4.61606018 Output: Sq [um]
Sp 58.5793331 Output: Sp [um]
Sv 96.4832976 Output: Sv [um]
Ssk -2.3873798 Output: Ssk [um]
Sku 36.155147 Output: Sku [um]
Sz 155.062631 Output: Sz [um]
mask mask.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
scalefactor 1 Output: Scale [double]. This is a replication of the input
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Weld Bead

Header Example Comment
type Weld Internal string reference to the type of routine [string]
id 914162070 Unique id referring to this instance of routine
name Weld Bead User facing name of the routine [string]
annotationids '[]' Reference to the shapes used in the routine. These may be local rulers.
estwidth 3.72 Input: Dent Diameter [mm]
diameter 135 Input: Min Depth [mm]
margin 0.7 Input: Dent Expansion [mm]
length 5 Input: Reference to the shapeID used as input. 0=no shape input
referencewidth 2.5 Output: Coverage [%]
referenceshape Plate Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
height 0.816874089636 mm Output: Height [string]
width 3.06976611597 mm Output: Width [string]
offset 0.565113858693 mm Output: Planar Mismatch [string]
depth 0.0265661236748 mm Output: Undercut Depth [string]
profile1 '[(0, -0.125322695717),,... (0.041306122449, -0.113199078161) ] Output: Array of points defining Profile 1. Each point in is organized as (X, Y) [mm]
profile2 '[(0, -0.266413164522), ….(0.041306122449, -0.259776774578)] Output: Array of points defining Profile 2. Each point in is organized as (X, Y) [mm]
mask mask.png Output: Filename for scan overlay for UI rendering
leftpoint1 (2.54721088435, -0.112809776873) Output: Location of left point on Profile 1 (X, Y) [mm]
rightpoint1 (6.31983673469, 1.05287165696) Output: Location of right point on Profile 1 (X, Y) [mm]
leftpoint2 (2.54721088435, -0.599049738613) Output: Location of left point on Profile 2 (X, Y) [mm]
rightpoint2 (6.31983673469, 0.0660026953761) Output: Location of right point on Profile 2 (X, Y) [mm]
centerpoint1 (10.12, 1.49889042827) Output: Location of center point on Profile 1 (X, Y) [mm]
centerpoint2 (5.64517006803, 0.121794203458) Output: Location of center point on Profile 2 (X, Y) [mm]
meta_passedanalysis True Output: result of pass/fail settings made by user [bool]
meta_sdkversion GSM version used to run this routine

Heightmap Data File Format (.tmd)

Field Name Data Type Size Example Comments
1 Signature char[32] 32 “Binary TrueMap Data File v2.0\r\n\0” Needs to be “Binary TrueMap Data File v2.0\r\n\0”.
2 Comment char[] Unknown “The comment field goes here.”\0 Starting at the 33 byte in the file, read until the next null char (‘\0’). This field is at least one byte in length because it contains a null char.
3 Width int 4 256 Number of columns in the heightmap (x-axis).
4 Height int 4 256 Number of rows in the heightmap (y-axis).
5 X Length float 4 1.5 Length along the x-axis in mm.
6 Y Length float 4 1.2 Length along the y-axis in mm.
7 X Offset float 4 0.0 X-axis minimum value in mm.
8 Y Offset float 4 0.0 Y-axis minimum value in mm.
9 Z height matrix float[Width * Height] 4 * Width * Height The Z height values in mm representing the surface in row-major order.


  • int types are signed 4-byte values.
  • float is a 4-byte floating point number.
  • A value of -1e10 represents a non-measured point on the surface. (Not used by GelSight Mobile).