A standalone Magento DevOps environment built with Vagrant and Puppet from a vanilla Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box.
Leverage Composer and Phing scripts for enhanced DevOps automation.
Use your own Magento code or have it install the Magento version of your choice.
Getting Started
- Install the required software for your host machine
- Download and install VirtualBox
- Download and install Vagrant
- Download and install Git
- Create the parent directory for your projects
mkdir ~/vagrant
cd ~/vagrant
- Grab the magento-vagrant-puppet code
git clone https://github.com/matthewsplant/magento-vagrant-puppet.git project_dir
cd project_dir
- (Optional) Have script install Magento
- Set install to true in the Magento class of the main puppet manifest file (base.pp)
- Set the Magento version also in the Magento class of the main puppet manifest file
- And remember to revert the install back to false after install
- (Optional) Use your own Magento code
- "git-clone" your Magento project to "www/magento"
- Import your MySQL database and update the base URLs via the following MySQL query:
UPDATE magento.core_config_data
SET value = 'http://magento.localhost:8080/'
WHERE path in ('web/unsecure/base_url', 'web/secure/base_url')
- Clear the Magento cache
- Add magento.localhost to your hosts /etc/hosts file magento.localhost
- Spin up your new DevOps environment
vagrant up
- (Optional) Install Phing along with additional support libraries on your new DevOps environment
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
composer install
Security Note
This virtual machine is optimized for ease of use. Therefore it is not meant for production use.
Credentials (set in the main puppet manifest file)
- Ubuntu User - vagrant/vagrant
- MySQL User - root/r00t
- Magento Admin - admin/123123abc
Virtual Machine Specifications
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS aka "precise32"
- Apache 2.2.22
- MySQL 5.5.31
- PHP 5.3.10
- Composer
- Phing 2.5.0
See http://magento.localhost:8080/phpinfo.php for more details.
Why didn't you put the "puppet" directory in the vendor directory?
- It was this way
- I like having the host vm separate from the client "vendor" files
- It makes it easy to exclude the whole client "vendor" directory from git