Spring Boot Advanced Tutorials
Here we are maked almost all types of Spring Boot Applications that you suggested via linkedin/Gmail, If you are looking something that is out of the box then just ping me in linkedin or mail with your required project i will make the template for you for free
Happy Coding always Love from Alan๐
Spring Boot Offical Webpage - https://spring.io/
Spring Boot Reference Documentation - https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#getting-help
Tech We Used Till Now
- Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud Load Balanceing using Robbin Load Balancer
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Cloud
- Spring Security
- PostgreSql
- MySql
- MongoDb
- Junit
- H2-Database
- Logging
- Logging and Logout
- Swagger 2
- API Calls
- LOG4J2
- Jersey
- ActiveMQ
Steps to run in your machine
Follow the below Steps
Clone the Repo
Open your project with your favorite ide
Make the necessary changes -> Save
Right click on the application Run as -> Spring Boot