A PyTorch implementation of MuZero from Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model. It is used for fun and testing ideas.
Random |
Trained |
Tensorboard training results
Random |
Trained |
Tensorboard training results
Random |
Trained |
Tensorboard training results
Tensorboard training results
git clone https://github.com/JimOhman/model-based-rl.git
cd model-based-rl
pip install -r requirements.txt
LunarLander-v2: python train.py --environment LunarLander-v2 --architecture FCNetwork --log actors learner --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 1000 --max_history_length 1000 --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag
Pong-ramNoFrameskip-v4: python train.py --environment Pong-ramNoFrameskip-v4 --architecture FCNetwork --log actors learner --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 10 --state_range 0 255 --norm_states --sticky_actions 4 --noop_reset --episode_life --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag
Breakout-ramNoFrameskip-v4: python train.py --environment Breakout-ramNoFrameskip-v4 --architecture FCNetwork --log actors learner --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 10 --window_size 200000 --batch_size 512 --state_range 0 255 --norm_states --sticky_actions 4 --noop_reset --episode_life --fire_reset --clip_rewards --avoid_repeat --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag
Tic-Tac-Toe: python train.py --environment tictactoe --two_players --architecture FCNetwork --log actors learner --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 10 --discount 1 --known_bounds -1 1 --stored_before_train 20000 --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag
See live training results with tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir model-based-rl/runs/(environment)/(group_tag)/(run_tag)
Evaluate saved networks:
python evaluate.py --saves_dir model-based-rl/runs/(environment)/(group_tag)/(run_tag)/saves/ --evaluate_nets (eg. 1000, 2000) --render --plot_summary --include_policy
Description of arguments:
Network arguments |
Description |
--architecture {FCNetwork, MuZeroNetwork, TinyNetwork} |
Name of an implemented network architecture |
--value_support |
Min and max of the value support (default: -15 15) |
--reward_support |
Min and max of the reward support (default: -15 15) |
--no_support |
Turn off support |
--seed |
Set the seed for random number generators (default: None) |
Environment arguments |
Description |
--clip_rewards |
Clip rewards to [-1, 1] |
--stack_states |
Stack given amount of consecutive states to a new state (default: 1) |
--state_range |
Specify the value range of features for the state, ex. 0 255 (default: None) |
--norm_states |
Normalize the states based on the given --state_range |
--max_episode_steps |
Override the default max_episode_steps of the environment (default: None) |
--sticky_actions |
Apply same action a given amount of times (default: 1) |
--episode_life |
Prevent bootstrapping the value after a loss of a life in Atari games |
--fire_reset |
Apply the FIRE action after a reset call in Atari games |
--noop_reset |
Apply the NOOP action a random amount of times between [0, --noop_max] after a reset call in Atari games |
--noop_max |
Change the maximum for --noop_reset (default: 30) |
--avoid_repeat |
Adds a 5% chance of random action if no reward is observed for 500 steps |
--two_players |
Specifies that the environment is for two-players |
Self-Play arguments |
Description |
--num_actors |
Number of self-play actors to launch, ex. num_cpu_cores - 1 (default: 7) |
--max_steps |
Maximum amount of steps per game (default: 40000) |
--num_simulations |
Amount of MCTS simulations at each step (default: 30) |
--max_history_length |
Maximum length of game histories sent to the replay buffer (default: 500) |
--visit_softmax_temperatures |
List of policy temperatures to apply throughout training (default: [1.0, 0.5, 0.25]) |
--visit_softmax_steps |
List of training steps to change to the next temperature in --visit_softmax_temperatures (default: [15000, 30000]) |
--fixed_temperatures |
List of fixed temperatures to each actor, instead of decaying (default: None) |
--root_dirichlet_alpha |
Shape of dirichlet noise added to the root node (default: 0.25) |
--root_exploration_fraction |
Fraction of dirichlet noise added to the root node (default: 0.25) |
--pb_c_base |
Base value of cpuct in the UCB formula (default: 19652) |
--pb_c_init |
Initial value of cpuct in the UCB formula (default: 1.25) |
--known_bounds |
Min and Max bounds for the value function. (default: [None, None]) |
Prioritized Experience Replay arguments |
Description |
--window_size |
Max amount of experiences to store (default: 100000) |
--window_step |
Step size to increase window size (default: None) |
--epsilon |
Lowest possible priority (default: 0.01) |
--alpha |
Raise each priority by this power (default: 1.) |
--beta |
Use to correct for the sampling bias (default: 1.) |
--beta_increment_per_sampling |
Increase the --beta towards 1 each sampling (default: 0.001) |
Training arguments |
Description |
--training_steps |
Amount of training steps to complete (default: 100000000) |
--policy_loss |
Loss function for the policy (default: CrossEntropyLoss) |
--scalar_loss |
Loss function for the value and reward function, if support is not used (default: MSE) |
--num_unroll_steps |
Amount of consecutive experiences used in one backpropagation (default: 5) |
--td_steps |
Time-difference steps to use when calculating value targets (default: 10) |
--batch_size |
Amount of samples per batch (default: 256) |
--discount |
Discount for the value targets (default: 0.997) |
--batches_per_fetch |
Amount of batches to fetch in parallel from the replay buffer (default: 15) |
--stored_before_train |
Amount of experiences stored in the replay buffer before the learner starts (default: 50000) |
--clip_grad |
Maximum norm of the gradients (default: None) |
--no_target_transform |
Turn off value and reward target transforms |
--sampling_ratio |
Keep the sampling ratio at the given value by slowing down the learner (default: None) |
--send_weights_frequency |
New training steps before updated weights are sent to the shared storage (default: 500) |
--weight_sync_frequency |
New experiences before each actor requests updated weights (default: 1000) |
--use_q_max |
Use estimated max Q-value as value target instead of MCTS average |
--optimizer {SGD, RMSprop, Adam, AdamW} |
Name of implemented optimizer (default: AdamW) |
--momentum |
Amount of momentum for optimizers that use it (default: 0.9) |
--weight_decay |
Amount of weight decay specified to the optimizer (default: 0.0001) |
--lr_scheduler |
Name of the learning rate scheduler (default: None) |
--lr_init |
Initial learning rate (default: 0.0008) |
--lr_decay_rate |
Decay rate for learning rate scheduler that use it (default: 0.01) |
--lr_decay_steps |
Training steps until the lr has been reduced by a factor of --decay_rate (default: 100000) |
Saving and Loading arguments |
Description |
--save_state_frequency |
Save the learners state with this frequency in terms of training steps (default: 1000) |
--load_state |
Load the state of a saved learner with the given path and continues training from there (default: None) |
--override_loaded_config |
Override the config in the loaded state with the current config |
Evalutation arguments |
Description |
--saves_dir |
Path to the saves directory which stores the learner states (required) |
--evaluate_nets |
Names of learner states in the given saves directory to compare between (required) |
--games_per_evaluation |
Number of games to evaluate state on. (default: 1) |
--plot_summary |
Plot metrics of the games played such as return, predicted value, etc. |
--include_policy |
Include the networks policy in --plot_summary |
--include_bounds |
Include standard deviation bounds in --plot_summary if multiple games are played |
--detailed_label |
Add more information to the legend in the plot |
--smooth |
Smoothen metrics in --plot_summary for better visualization (default: 0) |
--apply_mcts_steps |
Apply a given amount of steps from each MCTS (default: 1) |
--parallel |
Evaluate multiple games in parallel by the use of Ray |
--render |
Render the games during evaluation |
--save_gif_as |
Save a gif of a rendered game as the given name |
--sleep |
Use to slow down the rendering, given in seconds (default: 0) |
--save_mcts |
Save a visualization of the mcts during each step of the game |
--save_mcts_after_step |
Modify the step after --save_mcts should start |
--eval_temperatures |
List of temperatures to compare between in evaluation (default: None) |
--only_prior {0, 1} |
Set as 1 to only use the networks prior to play (default: 0) |
--only_value {0, 1} |
Set as 1 to only use networks value function to play (default: 0) |
--use_exploration_noise {0, 1} |
Set to 1 to include dirichlet noise during evaluation (default: 0) |
--human_opp {0, 1} |
For a two-player game, take control of either player (default: None) |
--random_opp {0, 1} |
For a two-player game, make one opponent random (default: None) |
Logging arguments |
Description |
--log {actors, learner} |
Specify actors or learner or both to log training results into tensorboard. (default: None) |
--group_tag |
An optional tag used to group training runs, used mainly for tensorboard (default: default) |
--run_tag |
A tag specifying the training run, used mainly for tensorboard (default: auto-generated) |
Debugging arguments |
Description |
--debug |
Include weight distributions per training step in tensorboard when --log learner is given |
--verbose {actors, learner} |
Print info about loss and game results during training (default: None) |