
Products specified by gematik which have to deal with PKI will have to handle certificates, ocsp requests/responses and TSLs (TrustedServiceProvider Status List). This library may help to understand the intention of gematik specification and could be useful for software implementations.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A java library for functionalities in PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) of products specified by gematik.

Products specified by gematik which have to deal with PKI will have to handle certificates and TSLs (TrustedServiceProvider Status List). This library may help to understand the intention of the specification as a reference implementation. Please see liability limitation for further information.


Cryptographic private keys used in this project are solely used in test resources for the purpose of unit tests. We are fully aware of the content and meaning of the test data. We never publish productive data willingly.


Certificate checks

For certificate checks the library offers interfaces:

as well as a couple of implementations for different checks alongside (see validators). You can build a chain of different checks or extend the library for your own requirements.

TUC_PKI_018 - Zertifikatsprüfung in der TI

A complete implementation of the TUC_PKI_018 „Zertifikatsprüfung in der TI“ of the gematik document "Übergreifende Spezifikation PKI" (gemSpec_PKI)can be found in TucPki018Verifier Here we check against nonQES certificate profiles specified by gematik, not against usages and contexts (a special certificate profile for allowing any profile, i.e., disable profile checks is available as well)

OCSP requests are optional and activated by default. OCSP responses are verified according to TUC_PKI_006 "OCSP-Abfrage" (see OCSP checks section).

For examples of how to use the TUC_PKI_018 implementation see TucPki018VerifierTest.java

OCSP checks

OCSP responses can be generated with different properties. By default, a valid OCSP response, according to rf2560, is generated. OCSP responses are validated according to TUC_PKI_006 of gemSpec_PKI.

OCSP validation can be disabled via builder parameter withOcspCheck of TucPki018Verifier.

TSL handling

The library contains checks defined in TUC_PKI_001 „Periodische Aktualisierung TI-Vertrauensraum“ specified in gematik document "Übergreifende Spezifikation PKI" (gemSpec_PKI)

We provide several methods to get information, for parsing, modifying, signing and validation of a TSL. (see: TSL package)

Attention: the trust anchor change mechanism is not completely implemented in this library, because it has to be part of the TSL downloading component. An example of an implementation can be found in the system under test simulator of the gematik PKI test suite: TslProcurer

Steps to perform TSL checks
  • instantiate a TslReader to read a TSL
  • use the result of the TslReader to instantiate a TslInformationProvider and call its public methods
  • get TspServices from TslInformationProvider
  • instantiate a TucPki001Verifier (via builder) and call its public method performTucPki001Checks()
  • the offline mode for TUC_PKI_001 (used solely for a Konnektor) is not implemented
Error codes
  • error codes specified by gematik in gemSpec_PKI


The lib is developed and tested with Eclipse Adoptium Temurin JDK 17 and Apache Maven 3.9.3

Build with:

mvn clean install

Builds are reproducible, to check call

mvn clean verify artifact:compare

in any compatible unix environment.


Copyright 2024 gematik GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Unless required by applicable law the software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and/or non-infringement. The authors or copyright holders shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any damages or other claims arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings with the software, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise.

The software is the result of research and development activities, therefore not necessarily quality assured and without the character of a liable product. For this reason, gematik does not provide any support or other user assistance (unless otherwise stated in individual cases and without justification of a legal obligation). Furthermore, there is no claim to further development and adaptation of the results to a more current state of the art.

Gematik may remove published results temporarily or permanently from the place of publication at any time without prior notice or justification.