The Information Technology Systems in Hospitals (ISiK – Informationstechnische Systeme in Krankenhäusern) "Basic Module" enables use-case-independent functionalities for the communication and validation of data within hospital environments, by providing FHIR resources, examples and an implementation guide.
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🐛 [BUG] - Einschränkung des Scopes von Coverage.subscriber auf RelatedPerson ist falsch
#466 opened by simoneOnFhir - 0
this line of code is obsolete PTDATA-1228
#457 opened by f-peverali - 1
- 1
🐛 [BUG] - Procedure.code sollte Pflichtfeld sein
#454 opened by simoneOnFhir - 4
- 0
🐛 [BUG] - Patient: "KANN POST" = "MAY CREATE"?
#440 opened by simoneOnFhir - 1
- 1
🐛 [BUG] - Vereinheitlichung des Umgangs mit Ressourcenübergreifenden Parametern
#438 opened by simoneOnFhir - 1
🐛 [BUG] - AllergyIntolerance Searchparameter Diskrepanz zwischen IG und CS
#435 opened by simoneOnFhir - 0
update firely terminal in gh-action
#232 opened by f-peverali - 0
add license to modules
#276 opened by f-peverali - 1
meta.lastUpdate Relevanz unklar - PTDATA-1002
#285 opened by simoneOnFhir - 0
Organization als Profil
#290 opened by f-peverali - 1
HTTP return anpassen
#308 opened by f-peverali - 5
- 3
💡 [FEATURE REQUEST] - Fallmerge - PTDATA-980
#371 opened by c-schelian - 11
Beibehaltung der id bei Fremddatenübernahme
#264 opened by jcaumann - 1
Element und ggf. VS update (Stufe 4)
#268 opened by f-peverali - 2
- 1
Unconvential searchparameter naming for Encounter
#289 opened by MaxMTheilig - 0
Diagnosen mit Abteilungskontakten und nicht (nur) mit dem Einrichtungskontakt (Stufe 4 ?)
#283 opened by f-peverali - 0
AN passt hier nicht. (Stufe 4)
#270 opened by f-peverali - 2
- 3
Satz entfernen (Kommentierung Stufe 3?)
#245 opened by f-peverali - 1
Update Dependency KBV (In Kommentierung Stufe 3?)
#253 opened by f-peverali - 2
Account error Beispiel
#228 opened by f-peverali - 1
🐛 [BUG] - Links im IG kaputt
#347 opened by DannyAmmon - 2
Anforderung eindeutiger Service-BaseURL
#312 opened by f-peverali - 0
🐛 [BUG] - Patient Invariante address-cnt-2or3-char
#330 opened by f-peverali - 3
Coverage identifier inkonsistent
#250 opened by markus020 - 0
Anforderung: Neuen Encounter erstellen für Versorgungstellenkontakt bei Fachabteilungswechsel
#328 opened by f-peverali - 7
TC 2?/3/4 - SNOMED Code Ändern Procedure
#286 opened by f-peverali - 14
🐛 [BUG] - Im CapabilityStatement wird der Account nicht (!) als pflicht angegeben, ist in Titus aber nicht abwählbar
#331 opened by simoneOnFhir - 4
Maintenance Basis
#315 opened by f-peverali - 1
fsh syntax update
#227 opened by f-peverali - 12
Account.subject - unnötiger/missverständlicher Slice (Kommentierung Stufe 3)
#251 opened by markus020 - 1
Basismodul expressions der invarianten prüfen
#274 opened by f-peverali - 7
- 0
Kontakt falsch referenziert statt Diagnose? (TC)
#284 opened by f-peverali - 0
test issue
#305 opened by f-peverali - 8
Error Pipeline backport r5
#261 opened by f-peverali - 2
Patient Beispiel Code
#252 opened by f-peverali - 4
Account identifier VS (Kommentierung Stufe 3)
#267 opened by f-peverali - 6
Sollten externe Patient-Ressourcen als Extern nach Übernahme gekennzeichnet bleiben? (Kommentierung Stufe 3)
#254 opened by f-peverali - 1 zu 0..1 (Kommentierung Stufe 3)
#258 opened by f-peverali - 3
fix canonicals
#241 opened by f-peverali - 2
Patient resource in current IG broken
#237 opened by lsarodnik