
Simple Cache Adapter for PHP Projects, PSR-16 Comply

Primary LanguagePHP


Modern cache adapter for PHP Projects.

  • PHP ^7.0 Syntax
  • PSR-4
  • PSR-16
  • Factory and Adapter Pattern
  • Exception

Supported Framework

This library is PSR-4 comply. You can use it on every framework that support composer.

  • CodeIgniter 3/4
  • Laravel
  • Yii
  • Your framework?
  • Native PHP

Supported Drivers

  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • File
  • MongoDB

Next plan : ApacheIgnite


composer require gemblue/tiny-cache


use Gemblue\TinyCache\CacheFactory;

$cacheFactory = new CacheFactory;
$cache = $cacheFactory->getInstance([
  'driver' => 'Memcached',
  'host' => 'localhost',
  'post' => 11211,
  'persistence' => true

For full example, browse example folder.


Method Desc
set Set a key
get Get a key
delete Delete a key
clear Wipe all key
has Check key existance
setMultiple Set multiple key
getMultiple Get multiple key
deleteMultiple Delete multiple key

Delete by Prefix

To delete caches with any prefix, just call like this:


Developed By

  • @gemblue
  • @yllumi