
This application is a mirror for the service The mirro was created to act as a data cache because there is a limited number of hits you can make to the real api in a 24 hour period.

Each time the mirror is hit, the results are persisted in a database.

The application is deployed on heroku:

Supported Queries

To query for user details:

To query for the repositories of a given user:

To query for the languages used in a particular repository:

To experiment, try using username = hackeryou and repo-name = amazon

Running the app locally

You need to have Elixir installed, and postgres

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate to the root directory

cd github_service

Install dependencies

mix deps.get

Compile the code

mix compile

Build the database (dev env)

mix ecto.create mix ecto.migrate

Build the database (test env)

MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.migrate

Run the tests (including integration tests)

mix test

Run the tests (excluding integration tests)

mix test --exclude integration

Start the server locally

mix phoenix.server

Navigate to a supported url


Deploying the app to Heroku

Build the database

heroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 mix ecto.migrate"

Push master to heroku

git push heroku master

Migrate the database

heroku run "mix ecto.migrate"

To connect to the heroku database

heroku pg:psql

To view the heroku logs

heroku logs --tail

To view the heroku database logs

heroku logs --tail --ps heroku-postgres