
DEPRECATED use https://github.com/gemini-testing/ssh-tunneler

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Plugin for setting up ssh tunnel while running tests with Hermione.


npm i hermione-tunnel


  • host (mandatory) String Address of remote host to which tunnel will be established.
  • ports (mandatory) Object Ports range on remote host, port will be picked randomly from this range. If you want to set specific port, min and max values must be the same.
  • ports.min (mandatory) Number Min port number.
  • ports.max (mandatory) Number Max port number.
  • localport (mandatory) Number|Function Available port on local machine. If set to Function, it should return Promise which will be resolved with the actual port number. If promise is rejected, plugin will fail.
  • enabled (optional) Boolean Determines whether plugin is enabled. If set to false plugin will do nothing. Defaults to true.
  • retries (optional) Number of attempts to establish tunnel. Defaults to 5.
  • protocol (optional) String Protocol which will be used in resulting root url. Defaults to http.

Set the configuration to your .hermione.conf.js

plugins: {
    'hermione-tunnel': {
        host: remote_host_address,
        ports: {
            min: 8201,
            max: 8400
        localport: 3333,
        retries: 3,
        protocol: 'https'


Tunnel to example.com closed. Exit code: 255

Usually it's a problem with permissions to the host (example.com in this example). You can manually create an ssh tunnel. Let's assume that you want to open a tunnel from localhost:8080 to example.com:9000.

Run the following command.

$ ssh -v example.com -R 9000:localhost:8080 -N

And open an url http://example.com:9000/ in a browser.

Error: timeout of 60000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.

First of all, make sure that done() is executed in the test. If so, then this error means that Selenium grid doesn't have permissions to the tunneled host. Please ask your administrator to fix this issue.