Gemma Collinge's Portfolio

Link to deployed application

Click here to view the project on Github pages.


I was tasked to create a portfolio to attract potential employers by showcasing my development work and allowing potential employers to learn a little more about me and my skills. My portfolio had to provide an image of me, links to my work and a contact link.

Technologies & Languages Used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS



What did I do?

  • Used semantic HTML
  • Used CSS selectors to create a sleek, streamlined layout
  • Used CSS variables for the different thematic colours in my page
  • Created a navigation bar to allow employers to quickly navigate through the sections or to click through to my LinkedIn or CV to view my work history in depth
  • Used hover selectors to add interactivity to links and sub-headings
  • Used pseudo-elements to style my navigation links as css element selectors, to reflect my understanding of css and add a meta feel to my page
  • Styled my personal attributes as coded html attributes to play on the notion of linguistic and html attributes, in order to reflect my multi-faceted content writing and web development expertise
  • Used progress bars to visually reinforce my varying levels of skills and attributes
  • Used flexbox and media queries to create a responsive layout, to enhance readability and to maximise available screen space at different viewports
  • Used absolute and relative positioning to overlay my project card titles on the project card images
  • Made images accessible by adding alt attributes
  • Formatted code using lint (prettier)
  • Added explanatory comments to both the HTML and CSS files


Screenshot showcasing view on mobile breakpoint 1/3

Screenshot showcasing view on mobile breakpoint 2/3

Screenshot showcasing view on mobile breakpoint 3/3

Screenshot showcasing view on Large breakpoints

For more information and for all queries, please contact: