
Generating a dynamic profile for you and your team - using the inquirer packages for user input. This application has been fully tested with jest.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Team Profile Generator


A dynamic team profile generator which utilises the inquirer node.js package to ask the manager questions about their own personal details and the personal details of those in their team.

The application creates an employee class, which is extended to create specific classes for the manager, engineer and intern roles - each with their own unique properties. All classes are tested using the jest node.js package.

From the manager's input, a dynamic team profile markdown is generated.

Technologies Used:

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Node Inquirer
  • Jest Inquirer (for testing)
  • FS


  • Firstly, fork and clone this Github repo.
  • Open the cloned repo on Visual Studio code and open a new terminal on the repo window.
  • Next, install the node inquirer package by typing 'npm inquirer install' into the terminal.
  • Finally, install the jest inquirer package by typing 'npm jest install' into the terminal.


MIT License

Screenshot of application:

Screenshot showcasing generated HTML markdown for team profile

Link to Video


Contact Information:

For further information on this application, please email me at gemmacollinge_71@hotmail.com