Transportation Synchronization Protocol (TSP) is used to simplify network routing in large scale systems where numerous applications need to transfer data to one another.

Primary LanguageGo


The Transportation Synchronization Protocol (TSP) is used to simplify network routing in large scale systems where numerous applications need to transfer data to one another.


TSP is a package used to instantiate a simple but efficient object called a Synchronous Server (SS). This is then used to automatically route and coordinate data between numerous different TCP-Connections connected to it.

The concept of Group subscription is used to designate routing between the different clients. Each 'Group' consists of a single Master-Client and numerous Standard-Client(s). When a client connects via TCP to the SS, it may then query for a List of groups currently existing on the SS and subscribe/join a group.

When subscribing to a group as a Master-Client, all data coming from Standard-Client(s) will be funneled to the Master-Client. Vice-versa, a Master-Client may either broadcast data or send data individually to Standard-Client(s) subscribed to the group.


  • Pure go1.7.3 or better; might work with older versions but not tested.
  • Library: github.com/streamrail/concurrent-map


Use: go test-v

Code Usage

Server Code

ss := tsp.NewSyncServer("localhost:4444")

//Set Maximum TCP Connection Limit -Optional
ss.SetCapacity(2000)  //Default is 1000

//Start listening and routing data

//Stop the SS and discontinue all networking activities

Client Code

c := tsp.NewClient("localhost:4444")

c.Send("GroupName", data)
num, data := c.Receive()

b := c.ReceiveBox()

//Group functionality

//Create - All required; Passwords cannot contain commas; Create a group on the SS
c.GroupCreate("GroupName", "NormalUserPassword", "MasterPassword", 100) //100 is room Capacity

//Join - GroupName & NormalUserPassword are required; OptionalMasterPassword is only for GroupAdmin
c.GroupJoin("GroupName", "NormalUserPassword", "OptionalMasterPassword")

//Leave - Leave a group; I.E.: stop receiving data from the group

//Delete - Delete a group off the SS



  • Create Client-Side API & documentation for Group Functionality
  • More stress testing
  • More security options