Movie Busters! Application Welcome to Movie Busters! This application is a movie management application designed to facilitate the management of a collection of movies. Users can perform various actions such as viewing, adding, editing, and deleting movie details and reviews.

Table of Contents Introduction Components Routing Installation Usage Technologies Used Contributing

This application utilizes React and React Router to provide an interactive user interface to manage movies and their respective details and reviews.

To browse through our movies, type this in after your localhost url:

  • /movies - All Movies (Index)
  • /movies/new - New Movie (New)
  • /movies/:id - Movie Details (Show)
  • /movies/:id/edit - Edit Movie (Edit)

Installation Clone the repository: bash Copy code git clone <repository_url> cd movie-management-app Save to grepper Install dependencies: bash Copy code npm install Save to grepper Set up environment variables:

Create a .env file in the root directory. Define the necessary environment variables: env Copy code VITE_API_URL=your_backend_api_url VITE_OMDB_API_KEY=your_omdb_api_key Start the application: bash Copy code npm start Save to grepper Usage Access the application via the provided URL. Use the navigation links to browse, add, edit, or delete movies and reviews. Technologies Used React React Router Contributing Contributions via issues or pull requests are welcome!