
Plugins used in Minecraft Pocketmine-MP server

Pocketmine-MP plugins

Plugin repository for Minecraft Bedrock Edition server version v1.16.x

BIG thanks to Poggit and PocketMine-MP active community members for their devotion and alternative mindset!

PocketMine-MP version 3.19.1

and previous PocketMine-MP 1.19.x API version 3.x (see branches for older versions)

[ ] = no problems loading but still testing or not checked with latest server/client

Command overview

  • /afk: Toggle the "Away From the Keyboard" status
  • /antioch: Holy hand grenade
  • /back: Teleport to your previous location
  • /ban: Prevents the specified player from using this server
  • /ban-ip: Prevents the specified IP address from using this server
  • /banlist: View all players banned from this server
  • /blocksniper: Displays information about BlockSniper, or reloads the plugin.
  • /break: Breaks the block you're looking at
  • /broadcast: Broadcast a message
  • /brush: Opens the GUI for BlockSniper.
  • /burn: Set a player on fire
  • /camera: Manage your movement by Cameraman
  • /checkperm: Checks a permission value for the current sender, or a player
  • /clearinventory: Clear your/other's inventory
  • /clone: Clones an area using the specified format.
  • /compass: Display your current bearing direction
  • /condense: Compact your inventory!
  • /defaultgamemode: Set the default gamemode
  • /delhome: Remove a home
  • /delwarp: Delete a warp
  • /deop: Takes the specified player's operator status
  • /depth: Display your depth related to sea-level
  • /difficulty: Sets the game difficulty
  • /dumpmemory: Dumps the memory
  • /effect: Adds/Removes effects on players
  • /enchant: Adds enchantments on items
  • /extinguish: Extinguish a player
  • /extractplugin: Extracts the source code from a Phar plugin
  • /fe: Allows you to manage Festival area's and events.
  • /feed: Feed yourself or other players
  • /fly: Fly in Survival or Adventure mode
  • /gamemode: Change player gamemode
  • /gc: Fires garbage collection tasks
  • /genplugin: Generates skeleton files for a plugin
  • /getpos: Get your/other's position
  • /give: Gives the specified player a certain amount of items
  • /god: Prevent you from taking any damage
  • /heal: Heal yourself or other player
  • /help: Shows the help menu
  • /home: Teleport to your home
  • /info: Displays information about a plugin.
  • /install: Installs a plugin.
  • /item: Gives yourself an item
  • /itemdb: Display the information attached to the item you hold
  • /jump: Teleport you to the block you're looking at
  • /kick: Removes the specified player from the server
  • /kickall: Kick all the players
  • /kill: Kill other people
  • /lightning: Strike lightning
  • /list: Lists all online players
  • /makeplugin: Creates a Phar plugin from one in source code form
  • /makeserver: Creates a PocketMine-MP Phar
  • /mapimageengine: MapImageEngine command
  • /me: Performs the specified action in chat
  • /mieconvert: Convert image to .mie format
  • /more: Get a stack of the item you're holding
  • /mute: Prevent a player from chatting
  • /near: List the players near to you
  • /newspaper: Opens Newspaper GUI
  • /nick: Change your in-game name
  • /nuke: Lay down a carpet of TNT
  • /op: Gives the specified player operator status
  • /pardon: Allows the specified player to use this server
  • /pardon-ip: Allows the specified IP address to use this server
  • /particle: Adds particles to a world
  • /paste: Pastes a previously cloned area to the world.
  • /ping: Pong!
  • /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server
  • /powertool: Toggle PowerTool on the item you're holding
  • /powertooltoggle: Disable PowerTool from all the items
  • /ptime: Changes the time of a player
  • /pvp: Toggle PvP on/off
  • /realname: Check the real name of a player
  • /redo: Redoes the last undone BlockSniper modification.
  • /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins
  • /removeentities: Removes non-player entities from all loaded levels (by default, only entities generated by PEX)
  • /repair: Repair items in your inventory
  • /reply: Quickly reply to the last person that messaged you
  • /save-all: Saves the server to disk
  • /save-off: Disables server autosaving
  • /save-on: Enables server autosaving
  • /say: Broadcasts the given message as the sender
  • /seed: Shows the world seed
  • /seen: See player's last played time
  • /sethome: Create or update a home position
  • /setspawn: Change your server main spawn point
  • /setwarp: Create a warp (or update it)
  • /setworldspawn: Sets a worlds's spawn point. If no coordinates are specified, the player's coordinates will be used.
  • /spawn: Teleport to server's main spawn
  • /spawnpoint: Sets a player's spawn point
  • /speed: Change your speed limit
  • /status: Reads back the server's performance.
  • /stop: Stops the server
  • /sudo: Run a command as another player
  • /suicide: Kill yourself
  • /summon: Summons a mob of the requested type.
  • /tchest: Add a new treasure chest
  • /tell: Send private messages to other players
  • /tempban: Temporarily bans the specified player
  • /time: Changes the time on each world
  • /timings: Records timings to see performance of the server.
  • /title: Controls screen titles
  • /top: Teleport to the highest block above you
  • /tp: Teleports the given player (or yourself) to another player or coordinates
  • /tpa: Asks the player if you can teleport to them
  • /tpaccept: Accept a teleport request
  • /tpahere: Request a player to teleport to your position
  • /tpall: Teleport all player to you or another player
  • /tpdeny: Decline a Teleport Request
  • /tphere: Teleport a player to you
  • /transferserver: Transfer yourself to another server
  • /txt: Manipulate floating texts
  • /undo: Undoes the last BlockSniper modification.
  • /uninstall: Uninstalls a plugin.
  • /unlimited: Allow you to place unlimited blocks
  • /update: Updates a plugin.
  • /vanish: Hide from other players
  • /version: Gets the version of this server including any plugins in use
  • /warp: Teleport to a warp
  • /warpui: Manages warps of WarpUI
  • /whitelist: Manages the list of players allowed to use this server
  • /whois: Display player information
  • /world: Teleport between worlds
  • /worlds: Worlds plugin main command
  • /worldui: Shows the world teleport UI