Public scripts for Gentoo Linux community by genr8eofl genBTC
- IMA-ascii_runtime_measurements (hash of verified boot process)
- diff-6.3.11-gentoo-dist-hardened-default-vs-IMA.config.txt
- IMA custom patch to disable appraise after its enabled via sysfs
- 15 different policy files, stock + custom.
- is the simplest version.
- mattst88-chroot is unshare based, just mounts, and simplified to read
- scripts based on arch-chroot -> kangie-chroot
- genr8-chroot fork
- and sfdisk-dump.conf can be used to automate partitioning
- .bash_aliases
- .bashrc
- .nanorc
- .tmux.conf
- htoprc
- ebuilds I made and collected
- my /etc/ folder, /etc/bash/bashrc and /etc/eusesrc is also a dotfile
- /etc/kernel - postinst.d/grub-manual-entry custom grub-mkconfig script on install
- /etc/portage - current config
- some random world files
- (Download changelogs and summary them)
- (Detect & Download new patches, actually patch the kernel, also read/store changelogs)
- created two custom profiles, hardened-desktop and nomultilib-hardened-clangllvm-mergedusr-custom
- All my scripts - click through to see README
- custom patches for: (elogv, lxc-checkconfig, quickpkg) I need the changes.
- sec-policy-selinux-policies-list-all-060923.txt (list of all policy packages on gentoo repo)
- selinux-semanage-boolean-l-list-Jun1623.txt (boolean toggle knobs for my installed policy)
- xevent3.te ( example of xserver_object_manager policy - extra granular GUI window manager permissions) - create this git repo, update git files from where they live at.
doas-persist-myanalysis-Aug2922.txt - I looked into and did my own research on the doas persist function
eselect-profiles-list-June302023.txt - all primary gentoo profiles
gentoo-Infrastructure-Servers-List-Jun0323.txt - official gentoo servers list
gentoo-Infrastructure-Servers-Details-Jun0323.txt - official gentoo servers details
gentoo-all-profiles-USE-flags-Sept0322.txt - USE flags for each primary profile
gentoo-all-profiles-USE-flags-July0123.txt - USE flags for each primary profile
gentoo-all-profiles-expanded.txt - profiles are expanded by recursing backwards
gentoo-all-profiles-toplevels.txt - the top level of profile tree nodes
gentoo-bug-471718.txt - some random bug
gentoo-chroot-binhost-ideas-July0423.txt - ** creative plans and ideas. **
gentoo-dilfridge-binhost-Packages-Names-Feb1723.txt - what dilfridge provides on his binhost
gentoo-eix-equery-gentoopm---helps.txt - list of package query helper --help's
gentoo-git-rsync-convert.txt - how to convert repos.conf from rsync to git.
gentoo-ideas-Interesting-lines-of-thought-1.txt - ** creative plans and ideas. **
gentoo-ideas-portage_web_api.txt - ** creative plans and ideas. **
gentoo-installation-instructions_gen.txt - ** personal quick install guide to gentoo ** - download the latest ISO script
gentoo-isos-latest-list-Feb0723.txt - list of the ISOs that were available on Feb 07, 2023
gentoo-newfeature-ideas-2022+2023update.txt - ** creative plans and ideas. **
gentoo-portage-niceness.txt - how to make lag go away using ionice, chrt, io-priority & NICE niceness
gentoo-profiles-project1.txt - working on a project to interact with a profile manager - working on a project to interact with a profile manager
gentoo-qsize-all-my-packages-sortbysize-Feb0323.txt - Sizes of Packages, what i had installed
gentoo-stage3-available-list-Mar1323.txt - list of the Stage3's that were available on March 13, 2023
gentoo-uid-gid-July0223.txt - official UID/GID api list for portage gentoo user/groups
gentoo-wiki-mountcommands.txt - chroot mount commands quick reference
gentoopm-python-docs-nb.txt - heres some docs for gentooPM (python script to interact with portage) - graph the dependencies of portage with graphviz, script by mgorny - example gentoopm script - example gentoopm script
git-source-repos-ive-cloned-urls2-July072023.txt - personal list of favorite github open source repos
human-wellness-list.txt - learn how to be a healthy human
immutable-root-description.txt - what is immutable root ? I will tell you.
kubler-notebook+documentation.txt - I did a brief structural software engineering analysis of Kubler and its good!
mime-xpak.xml - some lacking MIME types, portage.tar.bz2 .tbz2 , - list of stage3's that were available from fast mirror as of June 25, 2023
welcome-to-gentoo.txt - WELCOME TO GENTOO (if you made it this far, contact me on IRC)