#confirm python has the basic Pre-Requisities for "binpacking" sudo apt-get install python3-pip pip3 install setuptools wheel # install "binpacking" # documentation is @ https://pypi.org/project/binpacking/ (also installs numpy, future deps) pip3 install binpacking #It gets put into .local/bin , run the -h helpfile ~/.local/bin/binpacking -h #Edit my sizesort.py script to find your movie directory. vim sizesort.py # add weight,name to main file as a -H header (good seperation for later) echo 'weight,name' > 4TB.csv #Run the script to walk your filesystem. Gets the name and size of all files. append output using >> ./sizesort.py >> 4TB.csv #Now run binpacking directly, give it some extra constraints, and send the STDOUT > to a "groups" list file ~/.local/bin/binpacking -f 4TB.csv -V 24159191040 -c 0 -l 700000000 -u 24159191040 -H > 4TB-groups.txt # -f = source CSV file # -H = header, acts as a seperator # -V = maximum volume per bin = a 25GB BD-R Bluray is 24159191040 bytes accounting for ISO overhead (tune if you know otherwise) # -c = 0, the column number where the weight is stored (keep this as is) # -l = Lower bound 700MB (ignore files under this amount) # -u = upper bound [same value as -V] (ignore files over this amount, or you will get invalid oversize bins) #4TB-groups.txt === distributed items to bins with sizes === 000 24087660456.0 001 24155201058.0 002 24060932900.0 003 24157094674.0 004 24141316858.0 #ls 4TB_* 4TB_000.csv 4TB_001.csv 4TB_002.csv 4TB_003.csv 4TB_004.csv #Since it outputs multiple CSV files (1 per group) - to recombine them: cat 4TB_* >> 4TB-regrouped.csv #4TB-regrouped.csv weight,name 23353336366.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/Int 734324090.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/Reven weight,name 22515502123.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2016 1639698935.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2017 weight,name 22415787323.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2015 1645145577.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/H-WD5 weight,name 21523927037.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2017 2633167637.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2013 weight,name 21293079365.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2017 2848237493.0,/home/genr8eofl/4TB/Movies/2015 #Now you know which combinations of files fit most optimally on 25GB bluray discs.
BluRay Disc File Size Sorter = which combinations of files fit most optimally on 25GB bluray discs (customizable) using BinPacking algorithm