A library that simulates input (keyboard, mouse) made in C++ using Windows.h and JNI. List of functions in class file (WindowsIO.java).
- getting screen size,
- getting foreground window position and size
- simulating key press,
- simluating mouse press,
- simulating mouse movement (relative and absoulte)
- getting pixel data at coordinates,
- getting screenshot of a specified area as byte array
- getting mouse position
- getting and seting clipboard text
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WindowsIO io = new WindowsIO();
io.typeString("I support unicode characters!"); // types the string to the focused input
io.moveMouseAbsolute(100, 100); // moves mouse to 100, 100 on the main monitor
You can either use the .dll
provided in the repository or compile it on your own.
First you create the c++ files by running javac -h . WindowsIO.java
Then to compile the .dll
use whichever c++ compiler you have. Dont forget to link the JNI headers.
JNI Headers:
- ...\jdk\include
- ...\jdk\include\win32
To compile use javac Example.java
and then use java Example