
Generate human readable DMARC and MTA-STS TLS reports from email reports.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Generate a human readable DMARC report from 1 or more standard xml email reports .

New / Interesting


  • Add support for handling mbox file with multiple emails containing reports. While some clients save multiple emails in separate .eml files, others, like evolution, save them all in a single .mbox file. Add support for this.
  • tls-rpt

    New tool to generate report for TLS reports for MTA-STS or DANE. See README-tls.md This report has been updated - see Changelog for details.

  • -ifd, --inp_file_disp

    Input file disposition options one of : none,save,delete If set to save then all input files (xml, compressed xml and any kept eml files) are moved to directory specified by inp_files_save_dir.

  • -ifsd, --inp_files_save_dir

    When inp_file_disp is set, then input files are moved to this directory after report is generated. Files are saved by year-month under the save directory

Getting Started


Available on

On Arch you can build using the PKGBUILD provided in packaging directory or from the AUR package. To build manually, clone the repo and

rm -f dist/*
python -m build --wheel --no-isolation
./scripts/do-install $root_dest

When running as non-root then set root_dest a user writable directory

dmarc_report application


Save all dmarc reports into a directory. Change to the directory containing one or more dmarc report files and simply run


When using the --dir option (or config setting dir) it is not necessary to change directories before running the report.

Any email files, those ending with .eml will be processed first. These are assumed to contain the dmarc report as a mime attachment. The attachment is extracted from any such email files. Some mail clients save multiple emails as a single mbox file. Each email in the mbox file will be similarly processed and have the attached report extracted.

Then all remaining files are read and processed. The tool processes all xml and gzip/zip compressed xml dmarc report files and generates a human readable report.

We follow Postel's law and try to be liberal in what we accept as input. To that end we accept the dmarc XML report file, a gzip/zip compressed version of same or a saved email file text file with the report itself being a mime attachment.

Any file with extension .eml is treated as an email file.

To avoid line wrapping, the report should be viewed on wide enough terminal; roughly 112 or chars or more.

For convenience after report is generated, the input files can be automatically moved to a save direcory, left where they are or removed. A typical sequents of events is to save the email reports, run dmarc-rpt. By auto moving (or removing) the input files, makes it simpler when doing the next batch of dmarc reports.

For example, you might save all .eml files in same directory and with config settings:

dir = "~/dmarc/reports"
inp_files_disp = "save"
inp_files_save_dir = "../saved"
dom_ips = ['', '']

Then save all the raw .eml files into ~/dmarc/reports and run before running the report


All attachments from dmarc email reports would be saved into "~/dmarc/saved/2023-01" in this example.


Options are read first from config files then command line. Config files are searched in order: .. code-block:


Config files are standard TOML format. Available config settings are set using:

command_line_long_opt_name = xxx

e.g. to set data report dir in config use:

dir = "/foo/goo/dmarc_reports"

The command line options are shown first in parens below, followed by the corresponding config version in square brackets, if available.

  • (-d, --dir) [dir = /path/xxx/]

    Allows specifying the directory with the dmarc report files to be processed. The directory holding the report files (.eml, .xml, .gz or .zip) By default, dir is the current directory.

  • (-k, --keep) [keep = true]

    Prevent the .eml being removed after the attached xml reports are extracted.

  • (-thm, --theme)

    Report is now in color. Default theme is 'dark'. Theme can be 'light' 'dark' or 'none', which turns off color report.

  • (-ips, --dom_ips) [dom_ips = [ip, cidr, ... ]]

    Set the ips for your own domain(s), which will then be colored to make them easy to spot. Command line option is just comma separated list - no square brackets like config file.

  • (-ifd, --inp_file_disp) [inp_file_disp = save]

    Input file disposition options one of : none,save,delete If set to save then all input files (xml, compressed xml and any kept eml files) are moved to directory specified by inp_files_save_dir.

  • (-ifsd, --inp_files_save_dir)

    When inp_file_disp is set, then input files are moved to this directory after report is generated. Files are saved by year-month under the save directory

  • (-h, --help) Help for command line options.

Saving Email Reports From Email Client

In most mail clients, such as thunderbird, one can select multiple email reports and then use File -> Save As to save the email files into a directory of your choosing. Each email gets saved with a .eml extension.



  • Run Time :
    • python (3.9 or later)
    • netaddr (aka python-netaddr )
    • tomli (only if python < 3.11)
  • Building Package:
    • git
    • wheel (aka python-wheel)
    • build (aka python-build)
    • installer (aka python-installer)
    • poetry (aka python-poetry)
    • rsync
  • Optional for building docs:
    • sphinx
    • texlive-latexextra (archlinux packaguing of texlive tools)


We follow the live at head commit philosophy. This means we recommend using the latest commit on git master branch. We also provide git tags.

This approach is also taken by Google12.


Created by Gene C. and licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

  • SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  • Copyright (c) 2023, Gene C

  1. https://github.com/google/googletest

  2. https://abseil.io/about/philosophy#upgrade-support